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Refurbished FAP bug

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey San,

I needed time to reply to this message as it was during the VU / Mini Patch window and

Let me try to address this from a development standpoint with the philosophy that we have for items in EU, where we really don’t want to make changes unless they are both absolutely necessary and the only way to fix it.

I have expressed incredulity before about why this seemingly simple thing should be so hard to fix, to the extent of it, concomitant with bigger issues, motivating assumptions there might be reasons other than technical. Still hoping this can be dispelled, but not possible without
effective closure. Which everyone anywhere in upper management is trained to avoid.

The short reason is that to change an item that already exists in the game is something that we take a very pragmatic approach to and the last thing that anyone wants is an item to have the stats in flux. The reason it’s so hard to fix is because of the next paragraph here:

Maybe there is some systemic problem with its heal-over-time amount being expressed over and above the basic heal interval, which is unique since all other faps with this effect have it given as a portion of the total. Its Wiki entry (http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=FAP&id=241) contains a remark that this is weird and links to a PCF thread which shows how it caused quite a bit of confusion even for experienced players.

Correct, this item is unique in its behavior (which is why I suspect this popped up to being with) as the system has a difficult time parsing these types of fringe cases. So just changing the heal over time % on it, while a solution, isn’t a viable one. Which is why I didn’t want to make the change after it was approved, I don’t want to intentionally nerf anything, and I don’t want to be hasty. I trust MA to help us to resolve this in a good way for all players.

Assuming that its actual stats aren't the problem to balancing and a nerf unnecessary since it's been approved into the game long ago, I don't think we need to haggle over 90% or whatever new number. Would it work if the stats simply were adjusted in a way that conforms with the common pattern, while functioning the same as before? This would also do away with the confusion for good.

That’s the plan, but as a seasoned veteran of EU, you know that during the summer is a bit slower and we’re following our item philosophy in not making a bunch of rapid changes. So it’s not a matter of difficulty, but of nuance.

But it still strikes me as odd that an experienced development team would need to get such hints from the public. And spending how long - over a year? - chewing on gristle is not plausible. If this solution is not possible, it has to be assumed that actually there is a balancing issue and we're to expect a nerf, or the reason is something else I already get nauseous even thinking about.

It’s not something that was easily solvable. The majority of this time spent was trying to see why it broke in the first place, not trying to make changes (to reiterate something that we really don’t want to be doing) which didn’t pan out, now we are at the point where we're going to make a change.

The last thing that we want to do is to nerf this item, and once I have more information as to the route we’re taking, I’ll make sure that it’s clear and firm.



Sandal San Tolk
Thank you very much for taking the time, Kris. This particular issue is persistent and known for much longer than this summer holiday. I'm just struggling to find plausibility in what is (or can be) said publicy. But I hope not to be misunderstood in a way that I want to find fault with your team. There is a bigger context to everything, otherwise it would be ridiculous to get agitated over a single technical detail. I am positive that you know what I mean. I'll admit I'm more than just slightly burned from seeing behind the curtains in various business environments, and need to try and put conscious effort into detaching and detoxing, to enjoy what the game has to give as its original idea still stands. We're all doing the best we can.



Active Member
Is the tezlapod pet a result of Mindark screwing around behind the scenes on this fix?

i.e. is something siimlar to electrotherapy going to be implemented as additional buff on the fap?
Is the tezlapod pet a result of Mindark screwing around behind the scenes on this fix?

i.e. is something siimlar to electrotherapy going to be implemented as additional buff on the fap?

thats an interesting take. If it cant be coded for the current stuff maybe if the fap had this buff then you get what was advertised in some sense interesting point that could be a good theory there :p


New Member
I think the best thing u can do for now is to add a mission to let ppl to roll back to H.E.A.R.T. Rank V
That way those that want to Roll it back Can do so. I myself would like to roll it back.
If i knew it did not have the initial heal i would have kept H.E.A.R.T. Rank V.
I Got Very disappointed when i got H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI and the losses to get.
<<< Way To Big In My Case>>>
Can we please get a way to roll it back a stage for the time being.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
I think the best thing u can do for now is to add a mission to let ppl to roll back to H.E.A.R.T. Rank V
That way those that want to Roll it back Can do so. I myself would like to roll it back.
If i knew it did not have the initial heal i would have kept H.E.A.R.T. Rank V.
I Got Very disappointed when i got H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI and the losses to get.
<<< Way To Big In My Case>>>
Can we please get a way to roll it back a stage for the time being.
Are you asking for the time being until a fix went through for the rank VI? If that is the case I already posted an update for it:

Quick update, the HEART rank VI has been fixed with no changes to the stats, the fap will now give shrap.

Stay safe out there :bye: