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  1. Lazlar of Lyricon

    Bug Report Some very minor bugs I noticed...

    1. When doing Reagent Halbird mission, Young and Recently Hatched Empis on the designated island count as Merfolken kills, therefore able to finish the mission by killing different mob not indicated in the mission log. 2. Difficult to explain this one but; when driving [Cyrene Disciple P.I.G.V...
  2. Angel O2 Mercer

    Refurbished FAP bug

    Hello, The Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. FAP (the one you get after doing a mission chain, material inputs and all that) is currently bugged, and it seems it has been bugged for a very long time. MA introduced a feature a while ago that compensated players for decay spent on mobs that are turreted...
  3. D

    bps that cannot be sold at auction

    hi there are some blueprints that maybe have a bug because they can't be put up for sale at auction zorn star texture, yellow crystal texture and Light Power Cell Blueprint