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Update on HUB Coat


New Member
If u cant have some kind of buff outside The hub... Why should u do it AT all? To much time spent to get what? U plan to stay inside The hub all The Time? IT would be great to have some buff outside The hub.... Its not easy to make so many tokens...

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
If u cant have some kind of buff outside The hub... Why should u do it AT all? To much time spent to get what? U plan to stay inside The hub all The Time? IT would be great to have some buff outside The hub.... Its not easy to make so many tokens...

Q: Will the Outside Hub Version of the coat get stats?
A: Not as this time but we're looking into it.

As mention way back before stats were introduced on the HUB only version, we looked into having stats on the outside version which became clear much more difficult to introduce.

If we get updates on the Outside Version Kris or I will make a dedicated thread to inform everyone on the update as I still feel this is a very unique item.
