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Update on HUB Coat

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
When we first planned for the HUB Coat we wanted it to have a unique use inside the HUB. As time goes on and features get added inside Entropia Universe, we decided and with the help of feedback from player to added additional stats to the HUB only coat. The new stat will be Life Steal 1%.

Q: Why is it only 1%?
A: We plan to do further enhancement missions as we expand the HUB that will also increase the amount of % life steal and other stats can do.

Q: Will the Outside Hub Version of the coat get stats?
A: Not as this time but we're looking into it.

Q: Will we need to do anything extra to obtain the stats?
A: No the stats will be applied to all HUB Side (M,F; Registered) versions of the coat.

Q: Lame... Whats the point of the HUB?
A: Not only is the HUB a main point of the Cyrene Lore, we will also improve the HUB to make it more enticing for all sorts of players (New, Noob, Me, Uber).

Q: (Off Topic) What about informing all players like a week or even a few days in advance about Officials spawning Byg Byrd on facebook, forums, email?
A: Any type of announcement on social channels including email would mean the Byg Byrd Spawning was a planned event. However, anytime Byg Byrd get spawned it was never planned it just happened.

I will also like to point out if anyone has any type of feedback or suggestions for the Hub, Coat, Byrds, or just a rant. Please send me a direct message or even to Kris and we will be happy to take a look. (Rants of loot will be ignored unless you're suggesting type of loot to drop)



Well-Known Member
Excellent news !

About ideas for hub coat.
We actually have Turellia Ranged Trigger and Turrelia Melee Trigger. You can add Turrelia amplifer Laser and BLP Trigger or Turrelia Extender Trigger (for more durability on hub weapons) on the beast.

About ideas for Byg Byrd :
Add some funny rare items like clothes Byg Byrds Edition or Speak MK or Dragonfly Byg Byrd edition, some useless but funny items :)

Last time, i saw some Byg Byrds on Sky lab. Maybe you can summon (without tell us) sometimes some Byg Byrds like that. Then when players who are not on the same USA time zone can kill some :)


Active Member
When we first planned for the HUB Coat we wanted it to have a unique use inside the HUB. As time goes on and features get added inside Entropia Universe, we decided and with the help of feedback from player to added additional stats to the HUB only coat. The new stat will be Life Steal 1%.

Q: Why is it only 1%?
A: We plan to do further enhancement missions as we expand the HUB that will also increase the amount of % life steal and other stats can do.

Q: Will the Outside Hub Version of the coat get stats?
A: Not as this time but we're looking into it.


hey hey,

I want to point a small suggestion if I may, this coat colors are terrible ( I repeat is my opinion ) if that coat stays only inside hub maybe is not a bad loss tho :p

to not let anyone feel bad bout what I said above, I believe graphic designers on your team can do more than that, I mean seriously now, .. u r called a " designer" so :p designe something to be more attractive ( I love the ambassador's coat at 01stage , that idea can be developed, and I m sure ppl will run to get the clothes from cyrene. And why I m saying this is cause at some point I had a small chat whit Kris .. I believe.. suggesting that the "Ultimate Noob Chalange" to have a special final prize, .. remember after 215.000 kills maybe is not bad to add 1% life steal to that too. Is very rare and only few have made it that far.

|later edit: if lifesteal is off the table, then make it look fantastic.. I mean fantastic, it represents u, Arkadia did a good job on smuggler's clothes.

my 2 pecs, remember I do not intend to offend anyone's work, but the nature of my IRL job makes me try to see a better choice always, to improve or adjust to perfection.


Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
hey hey,

I want to point a small suggestion if I may, this coat colors are terrible ( I repeat is my opinion ) if that coat stays only inside hub maybe is not a bad loss tho :p

to not let anyone feel bad bout what I said above, I believe graphic designers on your team can do more than that, I mean seriously now, .. u r called a " designer" so :p designe something to be more attractive ( I love the ambassador's coat at 01stage , that idea can be developed, and I m sure ppl will run to get the clothes from cyrene. And why I m saying this is cause at some point I had a small chat whit Kris .. I believe.. suggesting that the "Ultimate Noob Chalange" to have a special final prize, .. remember after 215.000 kills maybe is not bad to add 1% life steal to that too. Is very rare and only few have made it that far.

|later edit: if lifesteal is off the table, then make it look fantastic.. I mean fantastic, it represents u, Arkadia did a good job on smuggler's clothes.

my 2 pecs, remember I do not intend to offend anyone's work, but the nature of my IRL job makes me try to see a better choice always, to improve or adjust to perfection.


This is actually a good point, I dislike the current look and color of the coat. We can look into updating the coat but it wont be a priority and we will have no ETA on it.



Well-Known Member
Really? That makes the cost much more desirable. 1%? Just hub coat? Or the planetside one too?
Yes 1% For the HUB only coat.


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