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Entropia Universe News Server Downtime for Release

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
That was unfair and way uncool. Now why would you call MA up so close to release and tell them to pull the release of Cyrene to just win a bet??????!?:eek::oops::confused::(

I'm not sure how to take your post OZ ... what I wrote was all in jest, and the person it was directed at knows me quite well, we even worked together on staff at the EntropiaPlanets forum. We are EU friends and joke with each other all the time, so ...

Unless I'm not getting your humor, there's nothing I've written in that post that isn't from a humorous perspective, and George knows that, and I have not done anything to redirect the launching of Cyrene, nor would I have the power to do that. :headscratch:

Would you please clarify your post for me Hon so that I know what to think, or how to take this? :thumbup:

Thank You!

If it's your way of adding humor into the mix, then I'm afraid the interpretation on my part is one of total confusion, sorry! :(


Active Member
Would you please clarify your post for me Hon so that I know what to think, or how to take this? :thumbup:

Thank You!

If it's your way of adding humor into the mix, then I'm afraid the interpretation on my part is one of total confusion, sorry! :(

Yes, all humor there. You stopped the release of Cyrene yesterday to win a bet in showing that you were right in it not being released.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Yes, all humor there. You stopped the release of Cyrene yesterday to win a bet in showing that you were right in it not being released.

Thank you for clarifying that for me, because I was seriously not sure how to take it since there were no "happy" smilies at the end of the ones you posted.

I'll just have to get used to your humor style then, so have fun my dear! :D


Active Member
Thank you for clarifying that for me, because I was seriously not sure how to take it since there were no "happy" smilies at the end of the ones you posted.

I'll just have to get used to your humor style then, so have fun my dear! :D

Yes you do, if it makes no since at all it's: I need coffee; or it's my humor.:)

George Skywalker

Active Member
If anything George, I'm not to be trusted. MS9 and Lykke are in charge. It takes 103% of my will power to NOT post up misinformation.

And it takes 110% of my purple power to keep an eye on Ace (George). :D

BTW ... Kris (as the Asst Creative Director) loves a good mystery as much as the rest of us, SO ... that "misinformation" he talks about could very well be a lead down a wrong path just to throw your ass off, and then you'll have to find your way back through the muck and mire just to regain your sanity ... watch out for him! :p

You guys can't fool me so easy !

Well now I'm really convinced Cyrene is out there. We just have to find it somewhere in space ...perhaps a hidden entrance ! :topsecret: