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Entropia Universe News Server Downtime for Release


Active Member
Fingers crossed!

well....Website is opening up tomorrow :) Yes, come on we can hope. :)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Welcome Cyrene?!?

In your wet dreams! :nana: :xxxlaugh:

To OZtwo ... registration for "new players" actually started a day sooner (Monday), and it's just to create an account, it's not a person's avatar name, but new players should be careful how they type it, because once registered, it can't be changed.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member


Active Member
In your wet dreams! :nana: :xxxlaugh:

To OZtwo ... registration for "new players" actually started a day sooner (Monday), and it's just to create an account, it's not a person's avatar name, but new players should be careful how they type it, because once registered, it can't be changed.

Well, yeah, but there is always hope..yes there is! Always hope!! :bye:


Well-Known Member
Its a smoke screen i think, Ed dont want to tell everyone is silent. - its a major VU - has to be Cyrene !


Active Member
Its a smoke screen i think, Ed dont want to tell everyone is silent. - its a major VU - has to be Cyrene !

And even more, no one really knows what is to be in this update...I mean, rumors are even silent -- well all but one..but still :)


Well-Known Member
I think MS9 and lykke are just playing around with us, Its been crunch time for a while now and Ed has gone off the radar for almost a month now... 12.5 is not a mini VU its a major VU (otherwise it would be 12.4.4) , whats the point of registering and not been able to play, its got to be this VU or very, very soon. I wouldnt leave my potential (to-be) player base to be waiting long to play, No planet partner had people wait to register and not actually launched, Rocktropia, Next Island , Arkadia this is a first..Arkadia let us know almost a month before the official release, Next Island announced 28th Nov and opened next Island on the 8th December (2 days before there announced date of the 10th), could this be the same as Cyrene what Next Island Did, or are the registering players have to wait a month before they can start playing (thats not good..)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Definately Cyrene (don't listen to the girls :nana:)

... we TOLD you it wasn't Cyrene! :ms9d:


From other thread...proof it's Cyrene in new vu :=) because when u register u start on cyrene since u can now register by default you can hence play on cyrene :yay:

Registration is just for "new players" to create an account, not to create your avatar, which will come when Cyrene is available. The name chosen at registration is not your avatar name, that comes when you can actually step onto the planet and create your avatar.

:ms9d: ... you're going to be black and blue before the day is out. :xxxlaugh:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
If anything George, I'm not to be trusted. MS9 and Lykke are in charge. It takes 103% of my will power to NOT post up misinformation.

And it takes 110% of my purple power to keep an eye on Ace (George). :D

BTW ... Kris (as the Asst Creative Director) loves a good mystery as much as the rest of us, SO ... that "misinformation" he talks about could very well be a lead down a wrong path just to throw your ass off, and then you'll have to find your way back through the muck and mire just to regain your sanity ... watch out for him! :p