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[n00b] Turrelion Maze


Sandal San Tolk
Will try again tonight... was like 20 steps forward and 12 back yesterday and relogged 3 times with no changes.
It was pointed out elsewhere that a mismatch between your chosen connection speed setting in the client loader and actual conditions can have this effect because it leads the client to make projections too far out which get corrected when the server response arrives. If in doubt, try a lower setting, or start with the lowest (56k) and step it up until you arrive at the optimum. I do find it antiquated that the program can't adapt automatically, since ping times are already measured and even displayed for the player, but until this changes it remains a challenge to users which inevitably falls back on the company in form of support cases.


Active Member
Thanks for tips. My isp speed aint the problem... plenty o speed there.. went to safe mode for now and will stay there a bit as it makes it a bit easier overall.


Sandal San Tolk
Thanks for tips. My isp speed aint the problem... plenty o speed there.. went to safe mode for now and will stay there a bit as it makes it a bit easier overall.
That's not what I meant. Safe mode relates to graphics, not network performance. Meant to suggest try out the network speed setting in the client loader. The 56k setting is the equivalent of safe mode there. If you try it out while actually having a better connection, you shouldn't get rubberbanding or if you still do, the problem is really elsewhere. If you choose the highest setting when your connection is maybe not bad, but doesn't quite live up to the client's assumption derived from your chosen setting, it can still have negative effects.


New Member
Some of the missions the OP mentions (burrow (daily); missing tool; missing soul/restless bones) seem impossible to get. "Sorry you don't have my mission today... Try again tomorrow over with Reyen!" is what the NPC (Mazeweaver Tero) keeps saying. I can't see/find Reyen though.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Mazeweaver Rayen is located in front of the broken statue near the Turrelion Docks Teleporter



Active Member

First of all, Thank you for the OP, this thread helped me in the begining when i entered the maze for first times:clap:

When i gathered 200 [Mazeweaver Certificate] I exchanged it for a WolperTinger pet and now I continue collecting maze certficiates daily. I have 410 certificates and I'm wondering if someone already collected high amount of it ?!

I didn't see any "high amount" in this old thread:

I wonder if there is something else we can get with the certificates, because this "Mazeweaver Roccer - Supplier" is not interacting, I thought maybe we need 1000 Maze Certificate or something... I thought someone can help me figuring out here.

Also I crossed path with a wild Captured WolperTinger mob lvl5 last day, and it raised more questions lol...
Recorded it here:

was asking myself "HOW" is that possible?
Is it a normal spawn?
was it a starving pet who became mob?
was it a mob spawned by dev and forgotten and wandering?

Thanks for reading, kind regards


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Originally it was a mob that was spawned, but due to how taming works, when it was tamed it would not register as killed, so the system would not allow a second to be spawned. I tamed the first one and none were available for a week after that until the next server update. They since removed it as a mob and made it a direct item. Due to this I have the oldest wolpertinger but someone else has the discovery for the pet with a date after I got mine.

the npc there is actually named after myself and the other player.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Finding that out in the wild is crazy though. You should have tamed it or called someone to instead of killing the poor guy.