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[n00b] Turrelion Maze


Active Member

Turned this thing sideways since the entrance is really to the west... makes it a bit easier to navigate if you are using the radar's true directions to figure out which direction to go...


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Active Member
Hey mods, devs, etc. It would be nice if the 'end' of the maze was actually an 'end' and not simply a dead end with an end platform... perhaps you could create a televator out of it to make you teleport back to the beginning or something similar?

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey mods, devs, etc. It would be nice if the 'end' of the maze was actually an 'end' and not simply a dead end with an end platform... perhaps you could create a televator out of it to make you teleport back to the beginning or something similar?

I agree with this, I hate hitting t and waiting 60 secs to go back to revive.


Active Member
also, if it's not too much to ask, make the timer stop on logout, similar to how the buff pill timers work. I think it doesn't stop on logout, unless I'm just too blasted slow, lol... (could be since this is only second day trying it)... I have a toddler irl so am constantly having to log out time to time to keep the real world safe.
Another suggestion... the maze is flat on top... A floor 2-10 with each floor being a separate maze in and of itself with it's own challenges could make this fun, and challenging.

Could even do something interesting... throw some booths up there... ;)
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mastermesh,

Hey mods, devs, etc. It would be nice if the 'end' of the maze was actually an 'end' and not simply a dead end with an end platform... perhaps you could create a televator out of it to make you teleport back to the beginning or something similar?

Sounds like a good idea, I'll see about improving this for the next PP VU.

also, if it's not too much to ask, make the timer stop on logout, similar to how the buff pill timers work. I think it doesn't stop on logout, unless I'm just too blasted slow, lol... (could be since this is only second day trying it)... I have a toddler irl so am constantly having to log out time to time to keep the real world safe.

I'll have to see about this, quest timers and buff timers are setup quite differently, it's something that we can look into though.

Another suggestion... the maze is flat on top... A floor 2-10 with each floor being a separate maze in and of itself with it's own challenges could make this fun, and challenging.

We're always looking to expand on things that players think are fun on Planet Cyrene. Initially we wanted to

Could even do something interesting... throw some booths up there... ;)

Whoa now, that's crazy talk =p


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mastermesh,

What about some more uses for the mazeweaver certificates? Suspect their use is limited extremely after you get the wolpertinger as it is now...

Hmm, I wonder how many Mazeweaver Certificates exist in the world now? Have you guys been collecting them still? It's not a metric that we get on the reports, although I believe it can be tracked via the missions.

What sort of rewards would you guys like to see, outside of the obvious new weapons/armor/amps?



Active Member
Hey mastermesh,

Hmm, I wonder how many Mazeweaver Certificates exist in the world now? Have you guys been collecting them still? It's not a metric that we get on the reports, although I believe it can be tracked via the missions.

What sort of rewards would you guys like to see, outside of the obvious new weapons/armor/amps?


Weapons, armors, etc. would be nice... but since you ask about other items... not really a necessity, but might be nice if there were some cheap clothes, etc. that you could wear both inside and outside of the hub. Annoying as heck to have to reequip everything and take the decay hit on it if you go down there. Armor decay is now gone, but clothes still do decay as far as I remember.

Along a similar line of thinking... recently Arkadia allowed their smugglers to give out mini missions where you can earn back old xmas gifts, etc. from past years... could be interesting if the Maze Weavers and Smugglers are trading buddies and allow similar type of things (I know there's not much there to offer yet, but as the years go bye... )... perhaps new items could be created solely for the mazeweaver certs. (Always can use more decorative type items for apartments, etc., especially if Cyrene ever gets any apartments - lots of possibilities on this front when it comes to items that have special fx or lighting effects since a lot of the lamps, etc. in game are kinda of boring... things along the line of the zyn fireplace, tomtebloss, floor lamps, wall lamps, etc. can always have some uses in interior decorating. ) (if you did ever add a second (or perhaps 10 or more) stories to the maze, perhaps each level could get progressively more difficult, and you'd have to turn in lower level certificates to gain upper level entrance and prizes, with ultimately hard levels at the top being something confusing as heck such as a maze that would have its pattern change on a regular basis either weekly or monthly so it'd be hard to map it out or something? This little acceleration buff hammer is nice, wonder what other goodies these guys have stored in their storage vault that they may introduce eventually?). ;)

I guess if you wanted to be a little less original, you could do some npc that exchanges x amount of mazeweaver certificates for x amount of cyrene mission tokens?

Lets see... what else... hmm...
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Sandal San Tolk
What sort of rewards would you guys like to see, outside of the obvious new weapons/armor/amps?
I actually liked its limited scope and specific goal. I believe the number of open-ended or very long-term daily missions is about to reach a saturation point. Sure that's subjective, but I do think the number of players asking for more dailies must be shrinking. That said, if a meaningful continuation in the path already pursued with a specific mission can be found, then that's cool. In this case I could envision acquiring permanent buffs for one's Wolpertinger. I don't know if the current system allows attachment of such a property to an existing pet, or simulating this by exchange for one with the same level of training. Guess not though, and having to ask Mindark for an extension of the system... Maybe just as a starting point for some such idea. Not mature yet, must think about it more.


Well-Known Member
Hey mastermesh,

Hmm, I wonder how many Mazeweaver Certificates exist in the world now? Have you guys been collecting them still? It's not a metric that we get on the reports, although I believe it can be tracked via the missions.

What sort of rewards would you guys like to see, outside of the obvious new weapons/armor/amps?


Heya, certificat should help to improve the wolpertinger pet. For example, wolpertinger+ X certificat = another wolpertinger ped but with anothe look (maybe nice cothes or other color) + another buff like autoloot. You can put many addition like that.
Stage 1 = 200 certificat = Wolpertinger
Stage 2 = 500 certificat = Another wolpertinger with 1 additional buff.
Stage 3 = 1000 Certifiat = Another wolpertinger with 1 another additional buff.

About items, some Brush or Whip. This is a Pet quest afterall.


Active Member
No brush please... (unless maybe it's an unlimited bp for a brush that is the reward?)

only point to a brush is to get the pet named as the system is... it's ok effect, but can't see it'd be worthwhile objective to do on a mission since once pet is named, you likely aren't going to want to name it again, at least for while... The additional buff idea is an interesting idea though... It'll be interesting to see what Mindark allows planet partners to do with pets over the next year or two.

Also, on rethinking the previous suggestions... not sure that the extra floors in the maze is such a great idea unless you can guarantee the 'fall through floor' bug(s) that hit the apartments and shops on other planets won't hit here... may be better to do instances or something if you add 'additional layers' to the maze...

maybe even make it something interesting like an instance at the 'end' of the maze and when you enter the instance it'll randomly take you to one of 10 different instances, each with their own mini-maze... or perhaps you turn in x amount of basic mazeweaver certificates for a key to different level instances, similar to what Arkadia does with Aakas or something.

The epic way to get the Toulan has it set up to get Karmoosh Lateef, and the way that Rocktropia's Secret Island has the Kongs and Dhympres set up might be another way to go, but instead of having you go kill a bunch of mob bosses you'd have to do something else... such as collecting x amount of certificates, do something in a specific order inside of a series of mazes, etc.

Whatever you do, make it interesting and entertaining... We are growing tired of Iron Mission after Iron mission where the only goal is to grind, kill, grind kill, grind, kill, continually... forever...

A Vlad the Unraveler pet might be an interesting one to obtain. ;)
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

A lot of great feedback in this thread!

From a game play standpoint we're already implementing some of the quality of life changes that players asked for in this thread for the next PP VU.

As for the rewards, I think there's a lot of wiggle room to fit in a lot of cool and interesting items that are more pet focused, especially if we can put more of this Mazeweaver theme into.

So we should definitely expand on the maze now right =p

I want to thank everyone for commenting and discussing about the Maze.



Active Member
Just fix the darn laggy rubber banding... makes maze running horrible. Not seen it much til today... Today it's horrendous...
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Just fix the darn laggy rubber banding... makes maze running horrible. Not seen it much til today... Today it's horrendous...

Have you tried to use a pin tack to stop it from rubber banding?

A more serious note the rubber banding is out of our control and a mindark issue.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mastermesh,

Just fix the darn laggy rubber banding... makes maze running horrible. Not seen it much til today... Today it's horrendous...

Came here to say what Lilmc said so I'll follow up to say that I will report this to Mindark and see if they know about the issue or the potential cause.



Active Member
Will try again tonight... was like 20 steps forward and 12 back yesterday and relogged 3 times with no changes.

Something u guys can look into on your end is maze wall near center of maze having a small hole in an corner... not enough to walk through wall but enough to see other side of wall like walls poly isnt lined up right. Think its near middle of maze south east of vlads part of maze. I mainly use medium graphics. If i get lag again ill try safe mode...