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Entropia wedding


Active Member
Dear Calypsians, Rocktropians, Next Islanders, Arkadians, Cyreners and what the heck...space pirates:

Wicked Saradu Hawklord and Geronimo Roni Last have commited themselves to each other and have agreed to say the big YES in Entropia Universe. We love to share this moment with all who is dear to us and who will become such....

location: Cyrene ...Waterfall Perimeter tp
date / time: 31 May FINAL time 18.00 PM MA time FINAL

Attire suggestion....this is just an idea...we want you there...nomatter what you are wearing!

Ladies: dress/skirts....pick your own fav color

Guys: white armor (Settler, Corvus, Vigilante, Angel...as long its white XD) NO face guards or helmets!

Request from Roni: all Quad owners assemble outside the planet to welcome Normandie MS...that should make an awesome picture!

Hope you can join us...we will keep you updated on attire, allthough we wont be to strict about it.


Saradu & Roni

Note: location and or time are set.



Things that make you go Hmm!
Yay a wedding! Grtz I will put clothes on for the occasion ;) Thank you for sharing the invite to all I hope I can be there


Speaking of clothes, I need a wedding dress and that is getting hard to find......... ugh..........as Roni said attire not critical I may be wearing this blue gown as in my profile. Formality is not necessary, simple works for us. :)

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Dear Calypsians, Rocktropians, Next Islanders, Arkadians, Cyreners and what the heck...space pirates:

Wicked Saradu Hawklord and Geronimo Roni Last have commited themselves to each other and have agreed to say the big YES in Entropia Universe. We love to share this moment with all who is dear to us and who will become such....

location: Cyrene ...Waterfall Island
time: 31 May

Hope you can join us...we will keep you updated on attire, allthough we wont be to strict about it.


Saradu & Roni

Note: location and or time may change...we will keep you updated!

View attachment 735

Congratz to the both of you! And will it be night time or day time wedding? i will totally pick attire to the conditions.


Things that make you go Hmm!
I wish the Gem Bustier wasn't bugged and colored red and green I had a really pretty white one could have been the top to a dress :(


Active Member
I wish the Gem Bustier wasn't bugged and colored red and green I had a really pretty white one could have been the top to a dress :(

Duh..ask Saradu...she is still furious about the bustier bugged. Would be great to have you with us Calli!

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Congratulations to the both of you, and ... if you would like me to broadcast the ceremony on-air, let me know. I can also set up a very nice music playlist as well with your favorite songs if you like. Totally your choice if you're up for this, but whatever you choose to do, I'll be there to help you celebrate. :thumbup:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
YAY :loveshower:Finally you announced it !! Big congrats! I am so excited for both of you - and it's an honour you chose Planet Cyrene for the wedding! I will do what I can to be there indeed - Entropian Weddings are fun and beautiful!
