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Clarification about "mob stealing"


Active Member
Well if you don't care then why drag it up and post and start the drama all over again?

If a mob has zero damage then it's fair game to anyone, and YES they DO regen, kill it faster if you want credit for it.
The only exception to this rule Id like to say is, if you see someone actively sweating a mob don't be a dick and leave them be with it.

No EU is not going to put any 'hard rules' down on it because the moment they do draw any kind of line in the sand, all the babies and haters are going to exploit the hell out of it and make even more work for them.

Common Sense, Courtesy towards others and Grow the Fuck Up, Id say are the three things that would make the game run smooth as clock work if you ask me. However since real money is involved, greed and jackassity is going to trump the previous 3 more times than not.



Active Member
the problem on cyrene is the size of the planet and therefor the size of mob herds.

Gathering paneleons for yourself would be cool if there are plenty left for others to hunt.
If someone kept stealing mobs off me that had been chewing my armor for quite some time, while there were plenty of other mobs left then I would say ks-ing is not ok and a dick-move.
But the size of the herds on Cyrene is so small, that gathering mobs in principle is the dick-move.


Active Member
The purpose of the panelion gather is what, to skill on defenses? Kind of like the mob train thing on RT? Since there is no turret there, you'd end up having to kill them all or just die off then right? In your scenario, if you grabbed say 3 or 4 then Id say no problem really, they do spawn more than that for others to have fun with as well. If you were going to let them kill you (ie the Def skilling and not wasting ammo thing) then Id say after you die let others kill them. Do have to agree that if you are gathering 8 or 9 of them and there are only like 11 of them there and you are going to kill them, yah that's kind of dicky, unless you were going to play only a minute or two with them and then let others who may be there, grab at the respawns and get their share first, before you refill. That should be ok then. Id also recommend that if someone was going to want to do something like this, ask / let the others in the area know first, so everyone is on the same page and can work together. This way they know that after a minute or two you will be dead and they can grab em, or you will kill them off and then they can grab respawns and do what they need to as well. In other words, everyone works with each other and I think it could work out for everyone. This is just what I would do, can't say that everyone must.

Sadly you are correct, with the shrunken cyrene, mob sizes are an issue now but it can be worked around w/o messing anyone up really if folks work together.

just my two pecs.



Active Member
that is true stoner, one should not kill mobs that have been hit by someone unless they die off and tell you it's ok etc. If they ding something and it regens though, because they dinged 8 of them, well when it's 'whole' again then Id say it is ok to shoot it then, because their work was undone, that ammo has been wasted by the regen. There is no set in stone answer that covers all situations.

of course if someone is sweating a mob, good chance it will be 'whole' then it is not cool to steal their mob.

Ultimately though, it's really up to MA if it's cool or allowed or not. If someone whines enough I guess you can get sanctioned for it? I honestly don't know, has anyone ever been spanked for this or does MA just say it's against the rules but don't really enforce it?



Sandal San Tolk
It has happened to me 2 or 3 times that I accidentally shot someone else's mob because I mostly use "next target"(*) and auto shoot. Then I apologize and try to move away a bit. But when it gets crowded like around the Kerberos, I see it often that others keep encroaching and always come after me even though they themselves could easily take to the opposite direction and put some distance between us.

If I observe that someone else doesn't bother to play with any consideration, then I'll also give up eventually and grab what I can. Usually I get annoyed with this playing style quickly and go to something else completely, but I've grown strong enough now to bully my way through most such situations if they're really asking for it. I don't think one can be blamed for merely reacting after having tried and failed to be nice.

(*) Maybe something should be done about this, so that auto targeting would skip a mob which is worked on by someone else. Guess it could be easily detected by whom it is aggroed at. But this is a thing we have to petition MA directly.
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Active Member
San that might cause issues with team hunting but see your point.
On the people who are being jerks while hunting, that's a whole different story. If you tried to be nice with them and they are stealing mobs, if you are able, umm yah go have fun with it :D



Active Member
Ultimately though, it's really up to MA if it's cool or allowed or not.


No. It's up to players if it's cool or not.

1 )On Calypso, if I have three atrox on me, of which I am only knifing one and the other two are gnawing at my armor and a player shoots one off me, while there are plenty of other mobs to choose from, I think that's uncool.

2) On Cyrene, if I have 6 Paneleons on me, of which I am only knifing one and the other 5 are gnawing at my armor and a player shoots one off me, while there are no other paneleons in the immediate vicinity, I think that's cool.

3) If there is an event with "highest loot wins" and somebody is shooting a stalker and not getting anywhere with his 6 dps and dies, then I kill the mob, because it's an event, a contest. Totally Cool

4) If there is a stalker and somebody is shooting a stalker and not getting anywhere with his 6 dps and dies, and I kill the mob, that's uncool, because the guy might come back to finish the mob he started.

5) Kill stealing is never cool.

It all depends on the situation.

If it's allowed is up to Mindark.

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Deo Ingie

I think people go overboard and too quick to blow their lid about mob stealing. A few days ago I was doing my daily's on Sea Wraiths, there was 1 other person, he was killing a smaller one, I saw a Devastator spawn so I started shooting it. Then I heard their shooting getting closer and he was running at the mob that I was shooting.

The person got all pissed and started all the name calling and crap, so I just told them to f**k off, then they really blew their lid about having to make it spawn.

Worst part about the whole thing, another one spawned right there, the person didn't have armor enough for Sea Wraiths, and died a few times before this, so he started shooting that one, I looked away and then saw the white dot, lol. He had it just about half way dead, but not quite. I thought about going ahead and taking it, but I didn't, cause I didn't steal the first mob, and I don't like it when people do that to me.

Another occasion was on that bird that heals super fast, before someone else realized how fast they regenerate, they started yelling at me about mob stealing, I tried to explain how even if you get it over half dead, if you die, you don't have time to get back before its fully healed again. But they just kept running their trap and I demonstrated with a loss of Peds.

If you are on the little island with the paneleons, and you have all the red dots on you, I am going to pick off an old if I see it. Most of the time I go ahead and tell someone to drown their mobs first, or certain people say to go ahead and take what I want.

I think the hardest part to not mob steal is the freaking bots on mer island. I really try and wait a few minutes if someone is already in there, but I'm not sitting there all day. so I just go to the other end, but it is tight in there, and I over kill so I only have to shoot each one once. it is just next target, shoot, loot, repeat. so I have snatched a few kills in there, but I've had the same done, its just going to happen in there.


Active Member
Spawn my intent with that comment was that it is ultimately MA to make the 'rules' We may think it's cool by us but if they say it's not cool, then we get punished for it... maybe. But yes totally agree its a situational thing.

Deo, it happens, sometimes you accidentally steal someones mob, say sorry and move on, they should not get bent over it really, unless you have a habit of doing this. The mer island bots, people tend to go in there with an anything goes attitude. They think it's ok to be an asshole while they hammer / steal out their 110 for the daily. I see what you are saying on the one shot kills, can get a bit costly tho relatively. When I find shit heads stealing mobs like that, if I have it, use a gun that does say 60 or 70 percent damage, if they want to steal it then, hey let them finish the kill for you, save YOUR ped then :D They can't complain after all YOU started the kill.
