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Clarification about "mob stealing"


Fate Thanatos Themis

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
ah, i was watching the chat when it happened and was curious of how it would be judged, plus i was surprised with the guy's attitude towards you.

I like the line "he can feel hurt all he wants" ;)


Active Member
Let me guess the person in question is named Trick - something. He did a whole cry me a river on #cyrene. Got perma-ignored from me.


Well-Known Member
Lol i noticed the same with the paneleon, i guess i was there 30 mins after you.
It is as i thought, and as it should be then.
Let me guess the person in question is named Trick - something. He did a whole cry me a river on #cyrene. Got perma-ignored from me.
On a somewhat off-topic note, I wonder whether this happened before or after said avatar got on my ignore list for spamming and if I did miss a quality drama because of that. :D


Active Member
Here's a semi related question. Some mobs regen. If I kill a panelion down below 50 percent, and it regens back up to full health, and then you come and kill it all the way down, do I get the loot because I originally had it below 50?, or do I lose some of those points as the regen occurs? I can see plenty of room for exploit here.

With that said, a little courtesy could go a LONG way here from all parties involved in a hunting situation.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Here's a semi related question. Some mobs regen. If I kill a panelion down below 50 percent, and it regens back up to full health, and then you come and kill it all the way down, do I get the loot because I originally had it below 50?, or do I lose some of those points as the regen occurs? I can see plenty of room for exploit here.

With that said, a little courtesy could go a LONG way here from all parties involved in a hunting situation.

as far as i know, if you hit it to 40% then it regens to 60% and i kill it i get all of the loot


Active Member
so regen will undo work towards 'kill credit'. Ok that's good then. Keeps certain people from smacking them down then leaving them for someone else to finish off so they get the loot.

On that though. A few thoughts. You are free to agree or disagree.

Just because you were 'first' at a certain hunting area does not mean you own that spot. Share.

Sometimes mobs will chase after someone else. If I am getting my ass beat by a mob you were working on that decided to come after me now, im sorry but I will protect myself. I will try to do a 'handoff' back to you but if I can't well, it's time to kill.

On this, someone who intentionally steals a mob someone else has been working on (not just got to come to them but have done significant damage) is a piece of shit, there is no need to intentionally poach.

If you have pulled a train of mobs, pretty much cleaned up an area, and someone picks off one that followed you, yet you have not done major damage to yet, well, that's kind of fair game, especially if you rallied up the radius of them. On the other hand if we are in gallards as an example and you rounded up a handfull, it's NOT cool for me to grab one of yours when there are 200 more around, I can walk my lazy ass 10 meters and get my own gaggle of geese to follow me!

In the end, a little common sense and courtesy can go a long ways towards game play, and if you do accidentally tag someone elses mob, it happens, a simple im sorry goes a long way towards respect.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I do this all the time (shoot mobs around a player). Personally I have 2 problems with this.

1. Those 30 mobs can't possibly all belong to the person grabbing them, I need to hunt the same ones and someone can't claim them all like that when they are using one at a time.
2. What gives them the right to steal all the dodge/evade exp from all the mobs in the area, especially when they are sweatable mobs? Other players expect to get that exp when sweating/fighting the creature but someone stole it already.


Active Member
Rusty, yes thats just common sense, I pretty much said that as well. If someone grabbed up all the mobs in the area and they are surrounded like that then yes, pick one or two off. ie folks should realize that others need to hunt as well. In places like say Arkadia with gallards or carabok, there are literally like 500 mobs out there, it's a huge red cloud on the radar. In a case like that, where you can walk 20 meters and be in a pack of your own, leave em be, but in a case like on cyrene where those 10 mobs so and so gathered are all there are in that area, yah they could probably share one or two.

I myself would try asking first, mind if I grab a few of these just to be polite... and take it from there... no answer meaning yes take some.



New Member
Ok. First of all I do not know this Trick guy. So, I do not like or dislike them. But, I was a witness to this situation and Thanatos has opened this forum with false facts. I was there at the paneleons, when most of this went on. The main reason Trick was arguing with Thanatos was because in fact Trick did have damage on every one of those Paneleons. I saw it for my self, and that was the reason the argument started. Thanatos even claimed that he can take a mob that had damage on it from people because there is not a rule about doing so. He then was telling Trick that he was not able to have multiple mobs on him because of in game rules. There were plenty of other paneleons around anyway...... I was shooting some without an issue. I was wondering is there a rule against having multiple mobs on you? And what is the rule on Thanatos taking mobs that trick had damage on and was shooting at that time? Is it considered affecting another's gameplay? I am only admitting what I really witnessed and sharing my questions and concerns about the situation. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
month late anon shoulda kept the pot simmerin in stead of trying to stir old stuff up :p


New Member
well this is a public forum. There is not a time limit on replies. so I think I have the right to comment on this thread without being told not to do so. I think it is important to get the facts straight on certain accusations. I think this never should have been posted in forums in the first place. especially with false information being presented and slandering a person's name in it.


Fate Thanatos Themis
im not sure what ur refering to. read the example i gave to support, then support's reply. cheers


New Member
you claim there was no hp taken from the mob that you started shooting. But there was hp taken in the mob. That was a main reason support said there was nothing wrong with it. You claimed there was no hp taken from the mob.


New Member
but anyway what's done is done. I really don't care was only clarifying and wondering what the EU rules are on the situation.


Fate Thanatos Themis
when i see that mob got full hp, i can assume its free to take, support got it same way apparently if ur asking about the rules. cheers