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Why MA doesn't let me quit the game?


Active Member
Being quite p***ed by the attitude of some people, I decided that it's time for me to quit the game and move on with my life, but since I didn't had enough PEDs to withdraw, decided to try for once the gambling thrill and play whatever I managed to get after TT-ing all my items on a mining run.

Got myself a good finder, no amp, 320 PED worth of probes (enough for 160 of my drops) and went on a mining spree; probably the fact that the finder was far to be maxed and my skills almost non existant made that I had almost no loot during the first half of my 160 drops, but on my 84th drop I got this baby.

I didn't even thought is possible to get a 50,000+ PEDs claim planet side and unamped.

Now tell me how can I quit now? :D

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