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Which version of Cryengine?


Partly curiousity, but wondering if this might be a cause... What version of Cryengine does MA use... if you guys are using the newest, but MA is using an older version..like, say, 2, then that might be part of the issues going on with, say, water levels and heightmaps. :coffee:
Just a thought.
P.S. I like your smilies. :clap:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Iceflame,

We use a custom version of the Cry Engine here, but I think the real issue is that from the last VU / Mini Patch there was a "sync" issue when copying the data from the test server to the live environment that caused some things to be duplicated/out of place / missing.

We've been working with MindArk to make sure this does not happen again and everything should be back to normal for the next PP VU.
