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Where's the party?


Active Member
Hi :) Non and I decided to make a little event to loosen things up a little here ;)

We have set a table with drinks and arranged the area with decor to have a small party somewhere on this planet, and the first one who find it, get it all + free choice between a dragonfly or a lancer. I know there are many explorers here, and im sure you will find it soon.. (or later)
We are afraid its a giveaway to have too many clues at first for the most experienced cyrene players so it will not be given any directions yet..

But - tomorrow at 16:00 i will post the first picture so you have some time to explore before then :)

When you do find it, we think it would be funny if you invited your friends and posted a regular partypicture of the happening.

To recieve the price, you have to invite us there or show me your find in a trade window.

GL on finding it, and party on :beerchug:


Well-Known Member
mostly kj's idea i just tagged along and placed a few things :) some imp and zyn tokens. should be a nice bit of fun :D


Active Member
We have a winner!!

totally unexpected Nazgul SapphireDragon Ööbik pm me and gave me the pos to one of the houses at the new settlements area where we had set up the party :)


You blow me away sapph!! used only one hour to find it with only minimum of clues..
-Nice exploring indeed..


Time was 03:20 MA-time

ps.. next time we have to do it way harder, or wait for sapph to have business on other planets.. hehe :p


Active Member
yes, south of xaby there is a settlement with some houses, if you go inside, you will see where we had the party :)