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What to do on Cyrene - @ lvl 30+


My adventure on cyrene and how I decided to start and what to do.

TP@1 : [138829, 77095, 112] : A.R.C. Staging
TP@2 : [138261, 77210, 114] : A.R.C. Immigration - Tanhok
TP@3 : [138774, 77670, 101] : Rookie Training Area
TP@4 : [138449, 77211, 101] : 0x101 Supply Depot Teleporter
TP@5 : [138986, 75125, 110] : Isle de Zel Teleporter
TP@6 : [135875, 77714, 111] : Zyn Forest Teleporter
TP@7 : [131619, 76331, 104] : Mer Beach Teleporter
TP@8 : [138394, 77636, 120] : A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn
TP@9 : [134412, 77205, 126] : Panton Jungle Teleporter
TP@10:[134235, 80559, 110] : Outer Rim Teleporter
TP@11:[133185, 75012, 110] : Tans'Ta'Oh Outpost Teleporter
TP@12:[135367, 75580, 109] : Ice Plateu Outskirts Teleporter
TP@13:[133717, 76464, 101] : Great Plains Teleporter

Armour@1 : [Adjusted Vigilante Harness (M)]
Armour@2 : [Musca Harness Adjusted (M)] & [Armor Plating Mark.2A]

Will try UPDATE weekly with locations and infos (that if people will be interested, else I will just abandon this ;))
PS: I have it in-game too with click-able waypoints etc, if anyone need send a PM
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EPIC - Zorra
START: @1[138867, 77212, 100] : Zorra Winters - Acacia rebirth Corps Commander
*Skilled messenger: Kill 1002 Imperiums
Iron: @1[138868, 77132, 111] : A.R.C. Challenger Kobe
Location: @7[131556, 77867, 100] HP 1100
OBS: [Summoning Totem], (-1k)
- [A.R.C. Waystone]
*At the Behest of the High Shaman: Kill 560 Mang Chang
Iron: @1[138832, 77118, 121] : A.R.C. Challenger Franks
Location: @6[135728, 78946, 111] HP 1600
OBS: [Empty Skill Implant (L)]
- [Zyn'Kimbro Spirit Dust]
* Prove your Worth: Kill 2800 Paneleons
Iron: @9[134454, 77242, 125] : Paneleon Hunter Jake Hammer
Location: @10[134470, 80794, 102] HP 500
OBS: [Xent Tech Light Rifle X2] and plenty of rifle/hg/armour
- [Purified Paneleon Gizzard]
* Vengeance for the Fallen: Kill 1454 Zyn'Dos
Iron: NONE
Location: @9[134939, 76803, 131] HP 600
OBS: [Summoning Totem], plenty nanochips, (-1.5k)
- [Zyn'Dos Blood]
* Summon the Gladiator: Kill 10.000+ Merfolken
Location: @7[131360, 77545, 99] HP 150
OBS: Most boring and annoying
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EPIC - Tahnok
REWARD: @2[138267, 77207, 114] : Tanhok Trader - Choose between [Ozpyn BP S1X4] or [Ozpyn HK S1X1]
START: @2[138265, 77206, 114] : Tanjok Ambassador
*Stage 1: The Zeladoth Pandemic (part 1): Kill Zeladoths 10.000 Points
Iron: NONE
Location: @5[138552, 75237, 109] HP 800
OBS: loots:[Tanhok Amber],[Summoning Totem],[Bio ID Verification],[Strong Sinew], plenty nanochips
- [Tanhok Stage 1 Completion Coin]
*Stage 2: Squash the Invaders: Kill 1500 Merfolken Spearmen
Location: @13[133846, 76301, 101] HP 400
OBS: loots: [Summoning Totem]
- [Tanhok Stage 2 Completion Coin]
*Stage 3: The Zeladoth Pandemic (part 2): Kill Zeladoths 10.000 Points
Iron: NONE
Location: @5[138552, 75237, 109] HP 800
OBS: loots:[Tanhok Amber],[Summoning Totem],[Bio ID Verification],[Strong Sinew], plenty nanochips
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REWARD: @4[138505, 77285, 101] : Medical Tech Orandius ->
START: @4[138505, 77285, 101] : Medical Tech Orandius
Stage 1 - 200 [Bone]
Iron: @6[135879, 77687, 111] : Puny Hunter Draoblib
Location: [135810, 77928, 106] HP 1000 and HP 800
OBS: Good mob to hunt
Stage 2 -
Iron: @1[138881, 77226, 100] : Challenger Esther
Location : @1[139017, 77184, 99] HP 250
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The Hub
- coat
- you need 550.000 tokens
- I got a discovery: [Enki's Blood Red Supremacy (L)]
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[A.R.C. Faction Badge]
- @4[138512, 77280, 101] : Andrina - Sweat Collections : 500 [Vibrant Sweat]
- @11[133305, 74885, 109] : A.R.C. Faction Missions - Daily

[Cyrene Mission Token]
- @1[138876, 77253, 100] : Requisitions Officer Wilco : 3 [Blue Crystal]
- @8[138363, 77684, 118] : A.R.C. Ambassador Ravensloft : 5[Scrap Metal]
- @11[133133, 74999, 110] : Requisitions Officer : 5[Kaisenite Ingot]
- @11[133130, 75002, 110] : Scout Thompkins : kill 10 drill bots 1001
- @8[138347, 77613, 119]: "Zyn'Kimbro Farm Hand" : kill 1 paneleon
- @8[138317, 77715, 120]: Zyn'Kimbro Guardian 20 Bonding Liquid
- @8[138315, 77718, 120]: "Zyn'Kimbro Chieftan Koban" : kill 100 Zyn
- @8[138317, 77719, 120]: Zyn'Kimbro Guardian : 40 zorn
@3[138830, 77671, 111] : Torn'auk, Zyn'Kimbro Representative
[134739, 75107, 110] : Zyn'Nix Tempo Manager : Old Tide Claws
[138849, 77077, 115]
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I saw the mission on cyrenesecrets.com but there you don't have all the locations where to hunt how is loot etc....
I try give all as I did and what happened to me.....
But I will stop posting, np if there are enough posts on this subjects.
i think he was meaning its better suited to the blog. plus its easier to update for yourself and there is nothing stopping you creating a thread to bump when you update your blog


i think he was meaning its better suited to the blog. plus its easier to update for yourself and there is nothing stopping you creating a thread to bump when you update your blog
Didn't used Blog Yet... I will check ...
Is it better to use it or keep this one ? and just edit ?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Didn't used Blog Yet... I will check ...
Is it better to use it or keep this one ? and just edit ?
thats your choice, whilst the blog will probably be easier to maintain on your side, you can easily update your data plus keep it in one post. Also because its rarely used your post will stay top for a good while. (BTW im pretty sure you can edit them, i've never used it. ) downside is, not many view the blogs so you will likely need to promote it with a thread

or keep with the forum post only, its in a popular area of the site but without bumping it will vanish fairly quickly from the first page


thats your choice, whilst the blog will probably be easier to maintain on your side, you can easily update your data plus keep it in one post. Also because its rarely used your post will stay top for a good while. (BTW im pretty sure you can edit them, i've never used it. ) downside is, not many view the blogs so you will likely need to promote it with a thread

or keep with the forum post only, its in a popular area of the site but without bumping it will vanish fairly quickly from the first page
You know that there are ONLY 7 POSTS right..... I wait for the day with be 1000 pages and I need to bump my post :) or maybe when I will finish it will all the infos I gather... will get a sticky :monkey_slap: