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Vendor Weapons Re-fill rates

Bakh Baccus

New Member
Hi Kris and Cyreneans,

So, I came to this planet from Ark for the token missions. Unfortunately, it seems that L weapons from vendors are never available.

I am wondering if someone could clarify whether the weapons become refilled randomly, and I am just unlucky in getting to a vendor when he's got some?

Or, weapons haven't been refilled for some unspecified period?

Kris, if it's the latter, can you share any info on what the plan for weapon refills is?


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene

My guess would be it might start filling at Hard Launch.

It's MA's fault though, Cyrene doesn't choose the fill rates, otherwise it would always be full. For some reason MA thinks that Arkadia should get full/stocked vendors, and caly should be stocked like crazy, but Cyrene? MA says fuck cyrene.
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Bakh Baccus

New Member
Thanks, Rusty.

It's really unfortunate that the weapons are not re-filled. They'd make Cyrene much more accessible and attractive.