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Bug Report Turn in maze hammer thing is buggy


Active Member
The mission items window asking to turn in one maze hammer won't actually accept any maze hammers. However, what's really odd about it is after I close the window it keeps popping up every time I log back in no matter where my avatar is on the planet. I've not left the planet yet to see if that does any sort of reset or something but may in a week or two.

Yes, it has worked previously. I was trying to turn in all maze hammers below a certain tier level but the system doesn't appear to allow it. Yes, the maze hammer in question is fully repaired.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Also, as this works like a mission, have you tried to manually abandon "It's Return Extra Hammers Time"?


Active Member
Maybe the Turrelion warehouse is full. :D

On a more serious note: Item protected?
good call. it was protected, lol. Unprotect and relog and see what happens. Should work now....

Yep. That worked. Thanks again.

Not sure I'll ever actually use many enhancers on them but it's nice to know that we can if we want.

Maybe devs can add a popup for protected items in the future.

On a similar note, now if they could just create a way to turn back in the Confiscated Duster Slicer for shrapnel or tt value as trade terminal won't give you anything back...
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