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team swunting exploration initiative


Well-Known Member
since this idea did not do very well i am thinking that it would be best to lock this thread.

if there is anyone with interest in sweating i suggest you go to this thread http://cyreneforum.com/threads/sweat-camp.1182/

it is be handled by a much more experienced player who will undoubtedly do a better job than i could.


New Member
mutated dire plants: 400+ bottles... 80 min/1k... dmg 20-30... dodge skill

I wonder how the price of sweat is calculated here on cyrene? or if there is already a price set.. what I think a fair price is 1000/dmg is about 3.3 ped/k? or (1000/80min)/100pec*dmg= 3.75ped/k?... How faster a newcomer can start a profession more buyers a crafters will have right?
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Well-Known Member
well for awhile the price of sweat was 2-3ped per 1k you could get more around 3.3ped per k if you sat on it and were patient.

many factors slowed the sweat trade down on cyrene for a decent amount of time or atleast to me it seemed that way. i no longer make an active effort to sell sweat and really only stack it for my own use.