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The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted


Hmm, very strange, I've had a check of the parameters of the weapon, and we'll see about altering this.

At 1) (continue):
it seems the issue is this:
- on the [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade] the description is: "Use effect over time" (when hovering over it adds: "This effect will be applied to target when the item is used").
- and for example on [Thorifoid Berserker's Helm (M,L)]: the description is: "Equip effect" (when hovering: "This effect will be applied to the avatar when the item is equiped").

Seems the problem is in here ;).

This shouldn't be an issue as once you zone back into the arena your avatar should be healed up to full.

This would be great if implemented :).
I went to the 25pec HUB section to check out layout and it seems this feature is workign there! But it is not workign in the proving grounds though.


4) Also another issue (i have seen it was discussed befre but it seems in other aspect - that person is not maxed on Hit so not having enough attacks/min - i have different issue):
I am maxed on (dmg) and not on (hit) on the [Confiscated Duster Slicer] (even inside HUB), so in item description i have 33/74 attacks and 17.5-35.0/17.5-35.0 dmg range. Yet it works totally oposite:
- i can make hits about 2 times per sec and doing dmg in range of ~8.5-17.0.

I wanted to figure out best weapons down in the HUB in aspects of eco (in case killing afk avatars there), most firepower and overall best weapon etc and it seems that all other weapons have eco around 28.3-28.5 (dmg/pec inside HUB) and with current values the Conf. Duster has eco around 14 (+-1dmg/pec since it can't be fruit tested and this is observation after few hits) - of course the eco is low due to dmg interval not working correctly.
I counted eco a bit wrong - since its pvp you get 100% hit from what i have noticed (+2% crit?) - so true eco is around 31.5 on most weapons ;) (and around 16.0 on the bugged Duster but you get the point even without this info).

@more edit:
5) it seems that entering mechanism is somehow broken too. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes i need to try few times walkign back and forh for the "teleport event" to triger. It is not only me since i saw others strugling with this too. Might be some sortof server lag.
Possible solution - instead of making "line of points" that triger the event make a clickable object that will teleport avatars inside on click.

Just adding this info to be looked into :).

Thank you very much for answers.

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Falagor,

4) Also another issue (i have seen it was discussed befre but it seems in other aspect - that person is not maxed on Hit so not having enough attacks/min - i have different issue):
I am maxed on (dmg) and not on (hit) on the [Confiscated Duster Slicer] (even inside HUB), so in item description i have 33/74 attacks and 17.5-35.0/17.5-35.0 dmg range. Yet it works totally oposite:
- i can make hits about 2 times per sec and doing dmg in range of ~8.5-17.0.

I wanted to figure out best weapons down in the HUB in aspects of eco (in case killing afk avatars there), most firepower and overall best weapon etc and it seems that all other weapons have eco around 28.3-28.5 (dmg/pec inside HUB) and with current values the Conf. Duster has eco around 14 (+-1dmg/pec since it can't be fruit tested and this is observation after few hits) - of course the eco is low due to dmg interval not working correctly.
I counted eco a bit wrong - since its pvp you get 100% hit from what i have noticed (+2% crit?) - so true eco is around 31.5 on most weapons ;) (and around 16.0 on the bugged Duster but you get the point even without this info).

I think that Master Chief has a good post about the eco of the Hub weapons somewhere on here. Yes, the weapons stats should show correctly when you have your skills normalized in the Hub.

5) it seems that entering mechanism is somehow broken too. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes i need to try few times walkign back and forh for the "teleport event" to triger. It is not only me since i saw others strugling with this too. Might be some sortof server lag.
Possible solution - instead of making "line of points" that triger the event make a clickable object that will teleport avatars inside on click.

I'll take a look at this and talk to MindArk and see what is and isn't possible in terms of streamlining the entrance into the Arenas, but I don't know what can be done or making the entrance clickable would make it easier/better.



Active Member
Not sure if it has been mentioned or not but can we get teleporter IN the hunting grounds, ie the Proving grounds? That way when you want to leave you don't have to press T and wait a minute.



Well-Known Member
Releasing few outside hub weapons could bring more players in the basement.
Release the land we can see when entering the pit.


Active Member
They would be there to get the weapons, not to be in the hub to pvp.
Let's just face it, most entropia players don't like pvp, or play other games for that.


New Member
Upon entering The Hub you are subjected to a strip-search, once you are cleared you find yourself inside the main hall in your undies! Fortunately your not alone in this, because so is everybody else. Meanwhile back down on the planet, during the biggest grind of all, a mere 215K mobs meet a sticky end and people are rewarded with a special Cyrene clothing set.

If anywhere, a reward like should be worn it's at The Hub. The Hub is the THE place where it would make the most sense to wear these special reward clothes. Nowhere will they and the divide be more visible then here, plus it could be an incentive for others to start the same mission.

The clothing of Turellia, for what reason can we not wear this in The Hub?


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
My suggestion is to either

1. REMOVE all the non obtainable hub weapons
2. Make all the old non obtainable weapons available again.

The hub is about equality, it is about fairness. Everyone is the same level, and everyone has the same access to the weapons available. There are some better weapons that need tokens, but anyone can get them. Currently the old token weapons are available to only those who had them before, creating clear inequality between the weapon holders and those who do not hold the old, better weapons.

The old weapons are are unlimited, which means they will get better and better as they tier up, something you cannot do with the current L weapons in the vendors.

Basically, the old weapon holders are the ubers in the hub, and because of this the hub is no longer balanced or fair to all members, it defeats the purpose of the hub.

George Skywalker

Active Member
Not sure if this is a bug or it's been talked about in the past.

My avatar runs faster in hub than newer players. I can catch up to them if we are both running in straight line in few secs.

I noticed my agility is reduced to zero so it suggests to me there is another skill linked to avatar speed which must be quite high in my skills and is linked to avatar speed. Chances are this other skill isn't reduced to zero by the system in the hub.


Active Member
Maybe you are sliding along on the trail of shit they are leaving after seeing you chasing them with that big weapon you have? :D



Active Member
that pretty much is the proving grounds no? There are a number of places you can hide and POP when someone lurks out.
