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Stuck with Zora mission


Active Member
I came to stage Summon the gladiator mission it say Arrive at merfolken breeding grounds, i went there but there is no counter with 10k mobs to kill , just summon the gladiator , any idea what to do, do i just kill mobs or shoud there be some mission counter how many i killed
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Well-Known Member
Yes, there is no counter. You can use the merfolken initiative or Test of faith mission.

You have to kill 11k Merfolken in the area. At the last mob, a spearmen merfolken will spawn. At this point your mission will be done.
Killing the gladiator is not a part of the mission, so you can miss it or another player can kill it, it's not important. The mission is done after 11k kill.


Active Member
Yes, there is no counter. You can use the merfolken initiative or Test of faith mission.

You have to kill 11k Merfolken in the area. At the last mob, a spearmen merfolken will spawn. At this point your mission will be done.
Killing the gladiator is not a part of the mission, so you can miss it or another player can kill it, it's not important. The mission is done after 11k kill.

Ty for help


So I'm approaching the merfolken stage of the Zorra mission and I know there's no counter, but I don't see any other parallel mission that could be used to gauge progress. I can't find any "merfolken initiative" mission, and the Test of Faith mission first requires completion of the 15k Ultimate Noob Challenge which are kills near Atlas Hunting Grounds...i.e. no merfolken.

Is it that difficult to add a counter to the merfolken stage, and other missions without counters?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Ostrander,

Is it that difficult to add a counter to the merfolken stage, and other missions without counters?

It's not difficult to add a counter to the mission, however at the time this mission was in place there were other missions (listed above) that many players used to track their progress, although I think a few players ended up manually doing it.

One of the things that we like to do on Cyrene is to try and improve where we can, and we continue do so. However, we have to be careful with whatever adjustments we make, or even catch up mechanics, to be fair to the players who did come here full of grit and determination.

I hope that you don't see this as a deterrent, but as unique challenge.

That being said, if you feel like there is some wiggle room for a fair improvement to this mission without stepping on the toes of previous players I'm definitely all ears.



Thanks for the quick reply Kris,

I definitely understand the importance of maintaining mission integrity in consideration of those who came before. In the case of mission counters though, I don't see that as any real advantage over previous players' efforts/achievements such as adjusting spawn sizes/locations, number of kills, HPs, etc. would be.

I could be wrong in how I see this, maybe some will share their opinions, but newer players would still kill the same number of mobs at the same (probably higher than pre 2.0) cost, and I doubt any previous players kept killing mobs after the challenge was complete due to not having a counter.

Just my 2 cents. Regardless, I will persevere and do what I need to to complete the stage, but my OCD really wants you to consider adding some counters where they are missing. :)

Cheers, Ost

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Ostrander,

Thanks for the quick reply Kris,

You're welcome! I try to reply as I can on the forums.

I definitely understand the importance of maintaining mission integrity in consideration of those who came before. In the case of mission counters though, I don't see that as any real advantage over previous players' efforts/achievements such as adjusting spawn sizes/locations, number of kills, HPs, etc. would be.

I could be wrong in how I see this, maybe some will share their opinions, but newer players would still kill the same number of mobs at the same (probably higher than pre 2.0) cost, and I doubt any previous players kept killing mobs after the challenge was complete due to not having a counter.

Just my 2 cents. Regardless, I will persevere and do what I need to to complete the stage, but my OCD really wants you to consider adding some counters where they are missing. :)

I'm interested to hear what other players have to say about this as well. If anyone has any feedback about this please feel free to post it here or PM me privately about it.


Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
I don't see any issue with adding a mission counter to this mission for the merfolken portion of the quest, nor any unfair advantage to those that have already completed it. It is a quality of life improvement in my opinion to help players stay on Cyrene. I fully support this request.
I would have to agree with Aryana on this one. Counters, and by extension timers, give the player the ability to know how close they are to achieving their goal. While I could see a place for these features to be removed, as in a Grand Quest, Challenge, or in a Quest that has a plot-specific reason to not have one, (especially if the minimum suggested level for such a quest is displayed), as a general feature it's a touch frustrating not knowing how many mobs you have to kill, and can make a game that already holds the world record for Grind even grindier-feeling.

And it's not like I'm opposed to grind, or focusing on a niche player-base, but that known end-goal has a real effect on the player.


New Member
When you kill 11k melfolken the mission will update to kill the gladiator


And if the gladiator does not respawn at given waypoint you go to this waypoint [Planet Cyrene., 133758, 76002, 111, Waypoint] and kill 1 gladiator and mission will finish it.

I hope to get my Greater Power Crystal soo or if any one can lend me one to get the lure dayli will be cool
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New Member
Yes, please add counters. If not able for existing missions, at least at the start of new missions. I'm glad to see that this mission works, but when I see "kill 500" and doesn't say how many I killed, I question if it's working. I at least will proceed in faith that it works. Thanks.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
If you have the Test of Faith mission active, it can serve as a counter.

This is a good work around due to the fact that retroactively adding a counter to the old missions can cause some issues in the quest graph resulting in errors for players that can only be solved by support or abandoning the mission.

However, it was a lesson we learned and new missions have the counter and will continue to have counters.

Stay safe out there:bye:


Drake Slade Corbett
When you kill 11k melfolken the mission will update to kill the gladiator


And if the gladiator does not respawn at given waypoint you go to this waypoint [Planet Cyrene., 133758, 76002, 111, Waypoint] and kill 1 gladiator and mission will finish it.

I hope to get my Greater Power Crystal soo or if any one can lend me one to get the lure dayli will be cool
This was the key for me. My gladiator never spawned so I took a roadtrip. Thank you so much!


Active Member
I still have mine open.. since it existed. I hope it will finish some day soon.
For other missions I gave up and restarted with a counter (tanhok mission chain) and am now at stage 5, while before I seemed forever stuck at stage 1. So for tanhok I killed 5k merfolken gladiators.. I hope those count for the mission without a counter lol.