Travelling through time...
Weapon economy calculation spreadsheet (in development)
Originally posted in PCF
Please leave feedback. These spreadsheets are still in the test phase so there might be bugs. If you find any bugs, please post detailed information about it in this thread or PM me.
Trading v15.0
EDIT (14.11.2015):
New version is available - Trading v15.0
This is my old trading spreadsheet that I'm still using from time to time. It is not protected against human errors so bad things can happen if the wrong cell content is deleted or changed. By bad I mean that calculations will be wrong or give errors.
Just Copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive and you will have full access to it.
Detailed guide how to use this spreadsheet is comming soon (sooner or later anyway...). At the moment screenshots will have to do. It is not that hard to understand anyway.
Weapon Stats V3.6
EDIT (14.11.2015):
New version is available - Weapon Stats V3.6
Just Copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive and you will have full access to it.
In case you get an error message saying "Server error occured. Please try saving the project again." after pressing any of the buttons in the spreadsheet, then just copy again the spreadsheet you just copied to your google drive (your copy). So far it seems this bug happens whenever multiple users are watching the same spreadsheet and someone is trying to copy it.
First you need to do is to press "Calculate" button once to get a pop-up window with script authorization. You will have to allow scripts to run.
After that you can just write in the blue cell (A4) what weapon you want and it will show all matching results.
NOTE: When opening spreadsheet for the first time, the weapon drop down menu can take up to 5 seconds to load. After that, everything should work smoothly.
After you choose the weapon, all possible attachments (A2-A6 cells) will automatically adjust to the weapon type you choose. You can also add Rings (A7), armors (A9), helmets (A8) and skill pills (A1) to the setup.
To add enhancers to the weapon, just choose them from the drop down menus from C2 to L2 cells. To add markup for each enhancer, type it in C1 to L1 cells according to set enhancer.
To calculate weapon economy including used enhancers, you must set "Enhancer break ratio (shots)" in B10 cell. That is the enhancer break ratio for each enhancer.
You can also calculate everything based on your profession levels by typing them into B13 and B14 cells. For weapons missing profession levels, all calculations will be made for maxed weapon.
After everything is selected, just press "Calculate" button and the script will calculate everything.
To compare weapons, just press "Compare" button to add already set weapon to the list below. To clear the sheet, press "Restore sheet to default" button.
In "Weapon finder" sheet you can search for all available weapons between set profession levels. Just select profession type and Min to Max level and press "Search" button.
For more information on how to use this spreadsheet, PM me in this forum or find me in game - Sniper TunerS Eagle
NOTE: Information about all items in "Item list" sheet is not 100% complete. This list is imported from entropedia therefore it is missing some data. A warning message will appear when weapon with missing information is set.
* Calculate weapon stats including all enhancer types, weapon attachments, rings, helmets, armors, even skill pills.
* Calculate weapon economy including weapon and attachment markup, broken enhancer TT and TT+MU, even skill pills.
* It is possible to calculate weapon stats for specific profession levels.
* Weapon compare option with detailed data.
* Amplifier maximal damage calculation for weapon. Now it is easier to find the right amplifier for selected weapon.
* Buff statistics. Check total item buffs on the setup.
* Damage information for amplifiers in the drop down list for easier searching.
* Weapon finder for specific profession levels.
* A warning message is displayed to let users know if selected item is missing any information.
* "Clear compare list" to clear the list of all compared weapons.
* "Restore sheet to default" function in case something goes wrong.
Know issues:
* Markup on scopes and sights is not included in calculations. Since there are only handful of them in the game and almost all are missing decay information, then I will not add this function.
* Weapon range is always set at maximum. I'm missing the level based formula for this. It also does not affect the weapon economy on the paper.
* If weapon is missing information about profession levels, all calculations will be made as if weapon is maxed.
* Wrong ECO calculations when missing item data. A warning message is displayed to let users know if selected item is missing any information.
Originally posted in PCF
Please leave feedback. These spreadsheets are still in the test phase so there might be bugs. If you find any bugs, please post detailed information about it in this thread or PM me.
Trading v15.0
EDIT (14.11.2015):
New version is available - Trading v15.0
This is my old trading spreadsheet that I'm still using from time to time. It is not protected against human errors so bad things can happen if the wrong cell content is deleted or changed. By bad I mean that calculations will be wrong or give errors.
Just Copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive and you will have full access to it.
Detailed guide how to use this spreadsheet is comming soon (sooner or later anyway...). At the moment screenshots will have to do. It is not that hard to understand anyway.

Weapon Stats V3.6
EDIT (14.11.2015):
New version is available - Weapon Stats V3.6
Just Copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive and you will have full access to it.
In case you get an error message saying "Server error occured. Please try saving the project again." after pressing any of the buttons in the spreadsheet, then just copy again the spreadsheet you just copied to your google drive (your copy). So far it seems this bug happens whenever multiple users are watching the same spreadsheet and someone is trying to copy it.
First you need to do is to press "Calculate" button once to get a pop-up window with script authorization. You will have to allow scripts to run.
After that you can just write in the blue cell (A4) what weapon you want and it will show all matching results.
NOTE: When opening spreadsheet for the first time, the weapon drop down menu can take up to 5 seconds to load. After that, everything should work smoothly.
After you choose the weapon, all possible attachments (A2-A6 cells) will automatically adjust to the weapon type you choose. You can also add Rings (A7), armors (A9), helmets (A8) and skill pills (A1) to the setup.
To add enhancers to the weapon, just choose them from the drop down menus from C2 to L2 cells. To add markup for each enhancer, type it in C1 to L1 cells according to set enhancer.
To calculate weapon economy including used enhancers, you must set "Enhancer break ratio (shots)" in B10 cell. That is the enhancer break ratio for each enhancer.
You can also calculate everything based on your profession levels by typing them into B13 and B14 cells. For weapons missing profession levels, all calculations will be made for maxed weapon.
After everything is selected, just press "Calculate" button and the script will calculate everything.
To compare weapons, just press "Compare" button to add already set weapon to the list below. To clear the sheet, press "Restore sheet to default" button.

In "Weapon finder" sheet you can search for all available weapons between set profession levels. Just select profession type and Min to Max level and press "Search" button.
For more information on how to use this spreadsheet, PM me in this forum or find me in game - Sniper TunerS Eagle
NOTE: Information about all items in "Item list" sheet is not 100% complete. This list is imported from entropedia therefore it is missing some data. A warning message will appear when weapon with missing information is set.
* Calculate weapon stats including all enhancer types, weapon attachments, rings, helmets, armors, even skill pills.
* Calculate weapon economy including weapon and attachment markup, broken enhancer TT and TT+MU, even skill pills.
* It is possible to calculate weapon stats for specific profession levels.
* Weapon compare option with detailed data.
* Amplifier maximal damage calculation for weapon. Now it is easier to find the right amplifier for selected weapon.
* Buff statistics. Check total item buffs on the setup.
* Damage information for amplifiers in the drop down list for easier searching.
* Weapon finder for specific profession levels.
* A warning message is displayed to let users know if selected item is missing any information.
* "Clear compare list" to clear the list of all compared weapons.
* "Restore sheet to default" function in case something goes wrong.
Know issues:
* Markup on scopes and sights is not included in calculations. Since there are only handful of them in the game and almost all are missing decay information, then I will not add this function.
* Weapon range is always set at maximum. I'm missing the level based formula for this. It also does not affect the weapon economy on the paper.
* If weapon is missing information about profession levels, all calculations will be made as if weapon is maxed.
* Wrong ECO calculations when missing item data. A warning message is displayed to let users know if selected item is missing any information.
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