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Should low level players wear armor?


Tree Hugger
Hello Cyrene Forums,

Q.) Should beginning players / low level players invest the P.E.D. for armor from trade terminals or the auction house starting out on Planet Cyrene?

I pose this question from an economical standpoint as it does not make much sense to incur damage repair cost. A new player could simply use time on their side to allow auto health regeneration to take place between each fight. This in turn would maximize your Mark Up profits from the loot-able drops of creatures you are hunting. So why on earth (Cyrene) would I ever want to incur additional cost other then my weapon decay starting out as a new player? Some of us would like to look 'cool' however, we may choose to forgo the cool factor if it means frugality outweighs the cost and returns a greater profit.


Clothing Menace
health regen is slow, some times you take a bit more damage from mobs, be that due to a crit, another one spawning ontop of you etc... If you have no problem waiting a few minutes every now and then for regen to heal you up, then that's all good, but grabbing a healing kit may also help. You could also grab a healing kit. Get some paramedic skills while healing yourself up faster.

But of course, one should look good killing these things, so I recommend getting some cheap armor for the shear pleasure of looking awesome while doing this :)


Fate Thanatos Themis
imo, like always, u need to ask urself totally different question: why do u want to hunt certain mob / do certain activity?
All things here got its costs and outcome (some got just costs ofc :p ). If the outcome is so attractive, so u can handle some more costs, ok.

Ofc, if ur new, u want to try all things u can do here, hunt mobs easy and harder, cuz u will have more satisfaction from killing something too big for u, even its not proffitable.
Have fun, spend peds, but when u have to go back to the drawing board to play safe and eco, see below :)

Some examples:
- if u just want to look better while killing mobs, and u can pay for it some more pec, ok ;)
- if u want to hunt a mob, that have MU in loot, that could make u profit on it, but those mobs do a bit more dmg than u can handle wo armor, use it.
- dont hunt mobs, which u cant kill many on a one hunting run - then its a gamble
- dont hunt mobs, that will regen much when ur trying to kill it - then its a gamble

In general, at the beginning:
- better use fap more often, if mob dont regen alot, instead of armor - armor will not give ur skills.
- try to hunt mobs that u dont have to heal before u kill it


Tree Hugger
@ Caro; You are a clothing Menace. ;) I'll have to set up an appointment down the road.

@ Thanatos; Thank you for the bit of advice. It is true play-style would effect ones decision. All valid points for consideration.


Active Member
Hey Panda, I have an advice for you. Even if I have 4 armor sets, I hunt 90% of my time mobs that dont require armor on, cause healing yourself after the mob is dead give you Paramedic skills and those are important for future. I didnt realised this in my beginnnings and now I try to skill them as much as I can. Also killing mobs under your skill level can keep you ingame. Hunting to big can make you lose to fast and to much peds. GL in your adventures!


Tree Hugger
@ Kenji; Great point, not using armor if its not needed and then using it for hunting mobs outside your abilities is a another good point. Thanks for sharing! I suppose answering the question asked boils down to what the newbie wants to do starting out. So from an economical standpoint and gaining healing, you should forgo armor purchases until the need arises. Question solved!


Active Member
imo as soon as you cant kill 5 to 10 mobs without healing you dont need armor.

Healing is more expensive as the right armor so healing at every 1 or 2 mobs will lower your eco.

waiting for regen can be done but i guarantee you that it will take way too much time in the end. So thats actually not an option for nice gaming.

The wrong armor(too big) will cost a fortune.

so i would advise the right armor unless youre capable of killing a lot without healing.

For the skills, thats a point, but as long as youre low level its actually not that big of a problem. In the future, when youre able to do bigger mobs, you can get skills enough.

so if you want healing skills, go without armor, if you want cheap and smooth, use the right armor.

The scout bots are a pain to do with healing, Buy arc pilot for that
