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Official Cyrene Event Santa Lurker Event Spawn

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Hey guys,

I wanted to let everyone know about a special event we have coming up for the Holiday Season, Santa Lurkers!

Santa Lurker.jpg

These mischievous little guys ran sacked Santa's Workshop and make off with the Elves headgear.

Elf Hat.jpg

These Santa Lurkers will be spawning near the Panton Jungle Teleporter, here's a map to show where all players will be able to hunt them down a score an Elf Cap for themselves.

Location Map.jpg

This Holiday Event Spawn will start:
December 21st 2014 at 00:00:01 Server Time

The Santa Lurkers will be gone and this Holiday Event Spawn will end:
December 31st 2014 at 23:59:59 Server Time

In addition to this, there are also presents!

NOTE: The presents have not yet gone out and we are waiting for MindArk to get them out to our players, I will update as soon as I know when they will go out.

For all players:
Christmas Treats!.jpg

Christmas Treats! Surely that sugar rush will help you out! (5 charges)

For Players that have made a Deposit:
Christmas Present.jpg

A Christmas Jellyworm Decoration.

Make sure to come and visit Planet Cyrene around Christmas to collect your holiday gift!

Happy Holidays from everyone at Planet Cyrene!
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Active Member
Will they drop any other goodies besides that hat? I can't see myself wearing that hat ever.. xD Too ugly. But that's just me. Either way I'll participate some in this event just for fun :).

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Will they drop any other goodies besides that hat? I can't see myself wearing that hat ever.. xD Too ugly. But that's just me. Either way I'll participate some in this event just for fun :).

Yes! The hat is unique to this creature though =)

Kris, Ammo packs from the web shop count as deposits?

I will double check with MindArk as I am not 100% sure, I will reply here when I know for sure from them.



Active Member
Ok this looks awesome. It's nice to see all the planets (well most of them) participate in the christmas events thing. Lets see if the pear shaped turd planet participates this year or not :D.

Lets see some jelly worm knees for crafting :p



New Member
Elf Cap (M) can be sold on auction but Elf Cap (F) not. Is it intended? Will our female friends like it?


Yeah, I did it. So what?
Kris, do you know when the gifts are supposed to be released? people are getting ansy down here,, lol

And im just curious here, that lovely chameleon affect the hats have of taking on the color of whatever head gear you wore previously. That is meant to be right and not a bug or something ? cause it is total awesome :headbang:
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Elf Cap (M) can be sold on auction but Elf Cap (F) not. Is it intended? Will our female friends like it?

This is NOT intended and will be fixed as soon as possible in the future.

Kris, do you know when the gifts are supposed to be released? people are getting ansy down here,, lol

And im just curious here, that lovely chameleon affect the hats have of taking on the color of whatever head gear you wore previously. That is meant to be right and not a bug or something ? cause it is total awesome :headbang:

They should have been out already and I've already contacted MindArk about the issue, so I'm waiting to see what is causing the delay.

As for the chameleon affect that the hats have, yes, it's a bug, I was not able to have that happen on the test server =)

As soon as I have more info I'll post it up. I'll also edit the main post to say the gifts have not gone out yet and we are waiting for MA to tell us when then will.



Yeah, I did it. So what?
They should have been out already and I've already contacted MindArk about the issue, so I'm waiting to see what is causing the delay.

As for the chameleon affect that the hats have, yes, it's a bug, I was not able to have that happen on the test server =)


Thanks Kris,, ohh,, and if you can leave the Hats the way they are I think it will be a nice big draw to get people over there... I don't think I have seen anything like it anywhere else. It's new, Its cool, Its interesting. "Chameleon Hat"... I see a whole line of clothing and armor and equipment coming from this idea... :alcohol::alcohol::alcohol:

I want 10 percent for the idea :p

Did you know??? If you put on the A.R.C. Gaurdian Helmet, and Then the Elf Hat. The Hat takes on the multi shaded grey look of the Helmet, and Matches your Arret Pet almost perfectly!!!!!

Just thought you should know :cool:
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Quell Que Star

New Member
I made the trek here to Cyrene...for the xmas goodies...only to see MA being a scrooge...heck, even Rock has Christmas music...thanks for the elf hat, is there a coat(like last year) available?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I made the trek here to Cyrene...for the xmas goodies...only to see MA being a scrooge...heck, even Rock has Christmas music...thanks for the elf hat, is there a coat(like last year) available?

For this year it's only the hat, there was a new coat model in the works but it didn't have that Christmas look, so we'll use it for another purpose in the future.

are gift fixed or still not working

The gifts are currently not going out yet as of this message, right now we are waiting to hear from MA on when this will happen.



Active Member
So what is MA going to do about sticking it up your collective (_*_) for the christmas present thing not being ready on time?

If you ask me they should retroactively credit everyone's account with it if they logged in on the planet or spent the two ped to land on the planet within the time frame it was supposed to happen. This HAD to hurt Cyrene financially. People coming to the planet and getting presents go; "Oh cool, let me poke around", possibly hunt some more, shop, whatever. Not having anything, word quickly gets out (and NO the santa hat thing doesn't really count) and folks decide to not come visit after all.

You would think that with the kind of money that is spent on an entire F$%#$g planet they would treat their planet partners a little better. Apparently the rumors are true about MA.

They should do a Cyrene only mini event or something to make it up to you guys because this was really lame of them. Knowing MA though they will probably give your christmas event stuff in July or August and it will be buggy as shit.



Well-Known Member
Did you drink a bit too much eggnog today sluggo?

You do realize they don't have to give you anything?

I doubt people come over for the presents and then say: oh no, i got no present, i'm out of here!
Even if there were, i'm sure they're better off somewhere else, because do you really want those kind of people on cyrene?

Sure it's a shame we got no presents (although i did get 2 hats from the nice cyrene event), but that is no reason to stop being civil on a forum.


Active Member
I understand they don't have to give us anything. But I am sure that the Cyrene folks did not come up to them on December 21st and say hey we want to do this, can you squeeze it in? They really dumped on Cyrene this time around, plain and simple, brony glasses on or not.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

MindArk posted on Facebook here: >>LINK<< but I'm sure that the presents will go out although I do not know the "when" at this time.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the last couple days of our Santa Lurker Event!
