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Official Cyrene Event ROFL Comic Contest

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MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
These guys made their mission quite clear, and it may take some a minute to get it. :D

Humor at the hands of MindStar9

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
LOL, MindStar I knew that if something would 'pull you over here' it would be a contest like this :nana:

Great entry :thumbup:

We need more people (and that goes for you too Obie :wave:)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
LOL, MindStar I knew that if something would 'pull you over here' it would be a contest like this :nana:

Great entry :thumbup:

We need more people (and that goes for you too Obie :wave:)

Thanks my dear, and I'll be doing more writing about Cyrene too, because Obie and I are about to head that way soon, it's been too long and we miss it.

I'll nudge Obie a bit to see if he'll come up with something for this contest, I'm sure he will, he's pretty cool with stuff like this, and has a great sense of humor.

I'll be here more often, and sorry I've been so MIA ... I've had a lot to think about. :hug:


We used to have a similar event on our society forum. We would post a funny picture and let everyone come up with a caption for it, and then we voted on the winner.
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