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Returning Feels like a brand new planet!


New Member
Heyo been quite awhile since I've been back to Cyrene though I feel more at home than before with the map changes even if some things did bug out from previous quests, shrugs. A lot has changed and it's a good refresher to see the planet almost as a brand new world as it's completely different from the pitch black nights and sea side worlds (still is and it's nice but not as much as it was, with all the beaches and robot infestations you know?)

So whats everyone up to and hows everyone been?

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Hello shape! Yeah I just got back to Cyrene from close to a year break with rl and other issues, The planet shrinking is nice puts everything closer. But it has taken my favorite hiding spots, Can't wait for them to release all servers again.