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The Hub R.I.P The HUB

Tal Maru

New Member
Free peds > lime green coat.

May the HUB rest in peace as I feel this will officially consign it to being a ghost town.

I will not want to camp for 100+ hours just to get some crappy looking bright green coat.

After talking with my society about this they feel the same.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Tal Maru,

The idea behind the Proving Grounds isn't just to grind there for a coat. It is very low risk training ground for people to play in and feel comfortable PvPing until they are ready to move to the Token Arenas. The coat is meant as a long term reward from honing your PvP skills in the Hub.

In the future, we're also looking at adding different reward options for all of the different PvP token vendors.



Hi Kris. My question to you is why would people want to go into the Token Arena? You have access to the amount of people that pvp in there and its close to none. Maybe consider some sort of incentive to get more fights going in the Token Arenas? The corrent format is clearly not working.

Also, after all the spectulation around the Hub, with rumors of it becoming lootable and bla bla bla it's sad to see that the changes you made have ruined the HUB. I have a good idea of who your "advisers" where and oh boy did you lot mess up! If there was hardly anyone in the HUB when pvp tokens with tt value were droping, now you will only get Tuners in there grinding it out to get a horrible looking green coat.

And I know you are going to say the proving grounds are intented to provide low cost pvp play and bla bla bla but that is all a load of B.S.! The pvp at the HUB is far from being decent with loads of bugs and lagging like hell, so people that are into pvp go HUB once or twice then realise how crap it is and leave. The only thing keeping people going to HUB were Pvp Tokens spawning there but now that's gone so you will have one person going HUB. Well done! Instead of fixing bugs and lag, you decided to make changes that have pulled the plug on the HUB. I do get some satisfaction out of this, you did manage to close the tap on Eminem and Assasins Creed Soc, lol, but my overall feeling is that you messed up big time.

R.I.P. HUB, it was fun.
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George Skywalker

Active Member
The problem I see here is player perception.

From what I can see the proving grounds and other pvp arenas are an elegant design and well thought out. Seems to me it's ahead of it's time. With time I suspect players will see the true value in this type of design.

I'm ofcourse making certain assumptions here but well calculated ones. If these assumptions are wrong then yes the hub would seem to be a waste of time. Which only serves again to strengthen the thought The Hub is amazing because ultimately which developer would create something that is doomed from the outset? Certainly not Cyrene dev's who have a love for pvp...
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Well-Known Member
bits and pieces can be found on various threads of things said by devs that lead to perhaps interesting things

George Skywalker

Active Member
bits and pieces can be found on various threads of things said by devs that lead to perhaps interesting things

shhhhh don't give too much away now :)

I can remember a few bits I have read by devs which come to my mind, which more or less spell out things to come...but I didn't say that and you didn't read it hehe
So I decided to come and give the hub a try now that its been redone, I was very disappointed that it didn't go lootable but I like the concept of the lime green tokens not being ttable and instead saved for gear.
However I am having a huge problem that I would like cleared up for me, Why are my old red ul weapons no longer maxed in the hub?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

So I decided to come and give the hub a try now that its been redone, I was very disappointed that it didn't go lootable but I like the concept of the lime green tokens not being ttable and instead saved for gear.

We also really wanted to make the Proving Grounds lootable, however, that PvP system conflicts with the Hub PvP system of killing players and earning tokens as well as the skill over ride and the reduced decay/ammo consumption so we opted to keep the things in that made the Hub different from lootable PvP and instead have it be more of an inexpensive practice.

However I am having a huge problem that I would like cleared up for me, Why are my old red ul weapons no longer maxed in the hub?

Can I ask if you are in the lobby or in one of the Arenas / Proving Grounds? As the skill over ride only works in there to make the weapons maxed.

Actually im standing in the PG rite now and not even the free knife we get is maxed anymore? I sure hope this problem is fixed quickly as far as the red weapons are concerned , it took us a pretty large investment of time and ped to aquire these weapons.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

It appears that in the Arenas and Proving Grounds the skills override is working correctly, however, it is not reflected properly when showing the info info on the weapons.

The problem as I encountered it was if I had the weapon equipped before I entered and then got the skill over ride the weapon would preform as if I did not have it.

If I re-equipped that weapons (or equipped another weapon) they would preform correctly even though it was not reflected in the item info window (as the weapon fire rate was approximately doubled).

I will update MindArk on the current state of this issue.

that's not accurate, example being the duster slicer every time its equipt it has the yellow chat message stating that skill is not high enough to use properly. I have also timed the amount of shots my omnicron launcher does in a sec and its not performing properly.