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Public TeamSpeak Server

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Thanks to avatar Xaero e-lite Cynque for supplying this teamspeak server since 2005.

Simply connect to the server and join [GUEST ROOM] Team Delta so we can find each other easier, or any other channel.

Download TeamSpeak 3.

Connect to Server: www.teamspeak.se
No password needed.


A scheduled channel cleanout will be automated the 1st of every month. Channels that have been inactive for the entire past calendar month will be automatically deleted. For a channel to qualify as active it needs to have at least 2 players logged in simultaneously for a minimum of 5 minutes between the first and the last day of the calendar month. Sub-channels does not count towards activity. A deleted channel can be re-requested again even if it’s been deleted due to inactivity.


People I know are either shy or lazy. We used to pay a private TS when I played Ragnarok, once I finally understood how to create my own, I have a 32 slots running on my spare computer for over a month and almost no one connects.