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The Hub Proving Grounds Coat of Arms


Hi People,

Today after a couple of months collecting the required tokens, some bought, some gathered/looted from lurkers In the Pit, finally I was able to obtain the Proving Grounds Coat of Arms.



I decided to choose the Hub version of the Coat as I heard the planetside mission is not yet functioning.

After registering the Coat with the NPC in the Proving Grounds entry room, I went to talk with the Summoner.

I got the following dialogs:



And that was all.

Does anyone know how to get to the Beast room ?

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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
subscribing :) from before the changes it was in the room the lurkers are in now, I was with Noorie today and could not find its location. unless it spawns in the lurker room and someone comes on cue every 2 hours like before and the coat isn't needed still? but it use to global fairly often and I havn't seen one in game or EL for over a year
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I can confirm the Beast still spawns in the room with the lurkers. I saw it few weeks ago there.

Oh well, thank you for confirming this.
At this time I am going to keep the Coat in wardrobe and wait for better times.

Also I would like to thank Paul for coming to me in the Hub and for the help to figure how the summoning works.

Cheers :beerchug:
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