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Pleak mission feedback

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Some feedback on this new mission.

First of all, why do you guys make all the puny missions start with so many kills? this si ment for low level players, dont make first stage 2k kills!
Second, i know its described as rare, but i think you forgot to put the pleak wings in lol
And last, the puny tempo mission for pleak is only counting the water pleaks. But the text only says kill puny pleaks (like it used to). So you either have to change the text or make all pleaks count
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Sandal San Tolk
Some feedback on this new mission.

First of all, why do you guys make all the puny missions start with so many kills? this si ment for low level players, dont make first stage 2k kills!
I think the opposite, this is just perfect. What for do you want another mission which is over in a few minutes? The tempo trials already are for that and also there are plenty of alternatives for newbie introduction. Furthermore, the Pleak missions appeal to those who've run out of punies everywhere else and are in need of an escape mob for bad loot times. Such as right now.


Well-Known Member
Some feedback on this new mission.

First of all, why do you guys make all the puny missions start with so many kills? this si ment for low level players, dont make first stage 2k kills!
Second, i know its described as rare, but i think you forgot to put the pleak wings in lol
And last, the puny tempo mission for pleak is only counting the water pleaks. But the text only says kill puny pleaks (like it used to). So you either have to change the text or make all pleaks count

This is on VU note about rare/new items :

Please give MindArk time to make sure that all missions and items are activated and in the loot pool.

Wait a little bit :)

But this newcommer mission sound great. They have their own mission now, and they can loot and resell component.
Well done :)

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
San i dont mean the mission should be shorter, just that the first stages should be like the bigger missions. 100 kills, then 500 then 1k... This will be the first iron style mission a new player will work on cyrene and 2k is a lot to grind for to get your first reward. And i dont think there are many choices for newbie introduction on cyrene at all. Pedes are the only ones that have a traditional iron style mission to them that starts with 100 kills.
And Justine, i didi read that. There are players out there that killed several thousands of those already and no wings. thats why i mentioned it.
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Sandal San Tolk
Reward for Rank 1: [System]: You have gained 0.8112 experience in your Handgun skill.

Duration: 1/2 day with pauses; budget: 10 PED to start, kept sufficiently through cycling. Only beginning to get a little crowded now at the spawn... ;)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll try and address this as I can:

First of all, why do you guys make all the puny missions start with so many kills? this si ment for low level players, dont make first stage 2k kills!

We initially did have it start at 500 kills, but the reward felt bad getting it after a such a stretch of kills. So we increased the kills to give a more deserving reward.

Second, i know its described as rare, but i think you forgot to put the pleak wings in lol

I'm following up with MA about this as they should be in the pool already.

And last, the puny tempo mission for pleak is only counting the water pleaks. But the text only says kill puny pleaks (like it used to). So you either have to change the text or make all pleaks count

That's an oversight that we'll correct A.S.A.P.

Thanks for the feedback about this, any every other mission/mob/part of Planet Cyrene, you guys are the ones who really help us improve Cyrene.


Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Thanks for the reply, Kris. To add to the list, the first stage on the mission description in the log has the place holder name and value for the reward.


Sandal San Tolk
San i dont mean the mission should be shorter, just that the first stages should be like the bigger missions. 100 kills, then 500 then 1k... This will be the first iron style mission a new player will work on cyrene and 2k is a lot to grind for to get your first reward. And i dont think there are many choices for newbie introduction on cyrene at all. Pedes are the only ones that have a traditional iron style mission to them that starts with 100 kills.
I thought about this for a bit and you're of course right in saying that a newbie has a different angle. I was thinking universe-wide with that about alternatives; yes, for Cyrene it fills a gap. But with a little distance and also Kris' report I still think the mission setup is just right. "Short irons" are a contradiction in itself and don't feel like an achievement at all, never thought much of it also when I was new. The tempo trials imo are better as introduction to test whether one wants more, while in turn I can't find myself motivated to do these on a regular base. And why do everything like everybody else anyway?

Psychologically I have no explanation why this is appealing at all, but it is (even though I began for economic reasons). It challenges nothing other than your patience. The mob even is cute, in RL I feed the little guys now that it's winter and watch them at my window while I kill virtual finches by the thousands... And the Pleaks' bright colours look like different flavoured candies, evoking synergetic perceptions of childhood. But the game doesn't target children. Talk about weird :p

It would add plausibility and work against boredom if there were some spawns scattered around the planet, preferably populating treetops. Oh yes and textures, I think this was suggested before.


Sandal San Tolk
Rank 3 reward: [System]: You have gained 1.3379 experience in your Anatomy skill.

Total skill points after reward: 6641.70 => TT value 0.41 PED. Forgot to add this at previous stages, still so used to that it needed two players to gather.


Sandal San Tolk
Rank 4 reward: [System]: You have gained 2.7638 experience in your Handgun skill.

Total skill points after reward: 5860.71 => TT value 0.54 PED.

Edit: Just open the mission interface, dummy. Rewards are stated there with tt amount. Cough. Next one up for 0.63 ped rifle.
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Sandal San Tolk
Rank 5 reward Rifle confirmed, although EntropiaWiki's skill calculator gave 0.69 ped (6129.83 + 2.8538 points). Don't know how accurate it is. Rank 6 says I'll get 1.25 ped of combat reflexes for 20,000 kills (not 12k as the pattern suggested).

Great that the Rare Pleak Wing isn't so rare anymore. Stood at 2500 kills exactly before they started dropping, and collected 757 until the end, i.e. over 7500 kills. If this rate holds, just shy of 100,000 kills are needed for the token mission.

Was stopped out for a bit due to a broken cooling fan, of course with perfect timing for the holidays :mad:
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Well-Known Member
I confirm that drop ratio has improved from 0:0 to 1:10.
So in 1000 kills I collected 108 wings.

Such a great place to skill up grenadier. :D


Sandal San Tolk
Rank 6 done. Reward Combat Reflexes is given as 1.18 PED by the Wiki (4711.91 + 17.8921). Total count of rare wings stands at 2672, i.e. 1915 collected during this stage. This is slightly under 1:10 kills, while before it was slightly over. I switched the weapon to Herman ASI-R shortly after beginning, because I actually want the BLP skills more. It is less efficient than the S.I. Scorpion though. If this is the new system at work where better efficiency rewards with better loot quality rather than quantity, and the wings fall into that category, then this might be a damper for those who plan on going in with nukes.