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Planet Cyrene May 31st 2022 Update Notes

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
New Additions

- Assault on the Imperium
– With the rise of activity from the Imperium, A.R.C & Zekkonian Ministry have come together to keep watch and close tabs on the growing faction.
– Players can speak with Tanhok Warleader Kyzrin for missions to disrupt the Imperial plans.Loyal A.R.C. Soldiers are able to earn unique buffs from this area per day that will greatly help their combat prowess by doing unique missions.

- Zyn’Tukano Sweat Gathering
- Zyn Psyche Master Aten'ten has several missions for sweat collectors that will unlock both turn-in missions and summonable bosses for skill increases.
- The culmination reward for this mission will be a Synchronization Chip 1 (L).
- Created a more sweating conducive environment in conjunction with BIG Industries

- Tree Harvesting
– Players can now harvest trees in many locations on Cyrene to collect Moonboards!
– There is a weekly mission available at Tanhok Immigration that will give you a random decoration or harvesting tool blueprint.

- Music
– We’ve added a new music track to several locations around the planet.

- Vendor Changes
– The following items are now available via turn in missions and not vendors, so there is no wait time or vendor camping:
— Ecotron v15e Prototype
— Ecotron v26b Prototype
— Ecotron v42b Prototype
— Ozpyn HK S1X1
— Ozpyn BP S1X4

- Terrain and environment has been updated to reflect the current storyline
- The respawn rates in all Hunter’s Caverns have be increased (so creatures will respawn faster)
- All Acidic Jellyworm maturities have affected the terrain around them as well as increased in density
- Kaydee Barnes Texture mission rewards have been reworked:
– The attempts given per completion are now 20
– The blueprint levels are ascending to help with skill level targeting
– The materials needed have been adjusted to be less reliant on uncommon drops
- Several creatures have had their loot adjusted in an attempt to drop more shrapnel, this is something that we will keep an eye on.
- Fixed several spelling and typographical errors across NPCs, items and missions
- Adjusted waypoints for several missions to be correct
- Increased the spawn rate of both Reward Token (Lime Green) and Cyrene Token Splinters
- Adjusted several textures in the Hub and Arenas
- Adjusted several creature spawns at player request
- Adjusted Perfected Imperium Armor to have Heavy Power Cells
- A.R.C. Daily Mining Missions find to count for the mission has been reduced from 20 to 10
- Added auction terminal to Rookie Area
- Empis Wasps should now count towards Codex

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.


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