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Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Awesome news, reason enough to register for this forum :)

Trifle ... what a nice surprise to see you here. :thumbup:

If you have a moment sometime, maybe you might consider contributing some of your own music to the MSR Music Collection thread so that I can add it into the MSR jukebox. I heard your creations in the past and loved them ... that's if I'm thinking of the right person ... I sometimes got you confused with Trance who makes the face art ... you two are so talented. :)

Glad to have you sitting in the waiting room with us.


Race event creator
About the launchdate contest.
The draw for the winners should have been this weekend (source: entropiaforum)
Though I can't find the winners anywhere?
I guessed the original date (13 march) and as far as I know, one of the winners will be selected from those. I'm anxiously awaiting if I won or not. :-D

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
About the launchdate contest.
The draw for the winners should have been this weekend (source: entropiaforum)
Though I can't find the winners anywhere?
I guessed the original date (13 march) and as far as I know, one of the winners will be selected from those. I'm anxiously awaiting if I won or not. :-D

We are still working on the winners. I have a question for Ed before I release them which is why it wasn't announced yet. It's not forgotten =)