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Planet Cyrene June 11th, 2024 VU Notes

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
New Additions:
- The Corrupted Laboratory Dungeon @ Zyn’tukano
– Delve into the dungeon to assist the Zyn in the cleansing
– Do missions to earn tradeable Zyn Basics of different disciplines inside and outside the dungeon, and a new Texture BP
— Combine them together with A.R.C. Badges to create the Zyn Rucksack, Basic
- Ult-0-Min3r on Risen Island has new, repeatable missions for players who completed any Rank VI Mining mission
- The Tailor has come from the Ice Plateau to his new home at Zyn’tukano and is offering his services of a new Texture BP to players who show their loyalty
- A Reprogrammed Drill Bot has shown up at the MazeWeaver Docks and wants to destroy all other Drill Bots and will reward you with a new Finder BP
– A.R.C. Scouts are reporting a tougher group of Drill Bots near the giant mushrooms over at [Planet Cyrene, 132886, 78450, 104, Waypoint]
- Pet Tamer Zyn’Tao is willing to take your Caged pets in exchange for Creature Control Pills

- All repeatable missions have had their title amended to be (repeatable)
- The following missions have had additional blueprint rewards added:
– Daily Texture Trade - Hoban Statsk (repeatable)
– Daily Texture Crafting Challenge - Kayde Barnes (repeatable)
– Ben's Polka dot Blueprint - Pleak Feathers (repeatable)
- The Rift instance has been overhauled graphically to match the rift
- A mix of player submitted loading screens and new concept art loading screens have been added
- Increased the Stamina for ALL Imperium Rangers

Bug Fixes:
- There should be little to no friction when trying to work on both:
– Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 10
– Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 9
- Various bug fixes for the for all dungeons in terms of spawns and terrain issues
- Removed text from the Rift Instance that mentions anything about a boss
- Added instance timer to Paneleon Instance to help with timeout
- Additional Byrd Dome adjustments to keep them caged up properly
- Various typographical and grammatical errors corrected

Known Issues:
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.


Zyn Rucksack Basic_Info.jpg
Does it say its untradable? How did you get to that conclusion?


New Member
If we were to equip the Zyn Rucksack Basic, Courier Touched Body Suit, and Turrelia Touched set we will probably get a grand total of

Increased Rare Mining Finds by 1%
Skill Gain - Mining by 5%
Skill Gain - Tool Construction by 4%
Skill Gain - Garment construction by 4%
Skill Gain - Item construction by 4%
Increases inventory carry capacity by 20kg
Increased Run Speed by 25%

The body suit alone covers it almost entirely because, as far as I know, the buffs on these items dont actually stack.

Is this intended?


The body suit alone covers it almost entirely because, as far as I know, the buffs on these items dont actually stack.
Who said that? Why are these speculations? You want to say that people carefully pick up rings for the right and left hand, but all this is Fake?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to try and offer answer some insight and answers to some of these questions:

Is it intentionally done the Zyn Rucksack is not tradable, or is it a mistake?

This is intentional, the items required to refine it are able to be farmed and traded to other players (similar to the Zyn'viathan missions) which allows players to repeat and sell quest rewards from this missions if they choose but not sell Zyn Rucksacks wholesale.

If we were to equip the Zyn Rucksack Basic, Courier Touched Body Suit, and Turrelia Touched set we will probably get a grand total of

Increased Rare Mining Finds by 1%
Skill Gain - Mining by 5%
Skill Gain - Tool Construction by 4%
Skill Gain - Garment construction by 4%
Skill Gain - Item construction by 4%
Increases inventory carry capacity by 20kg
Increased Run Speed by 25%

The body suit alone covers it almost entirely because, as far as I know, the buffs on these items dont actually stack.

Is this intended?

Everything stacks as far as our testing *except* the Inventory carry capacity.

If I equip everything listed:
Zyn Rucksack, Basic
Courier Touched Body Suit
Turrelia Touched Set Bonus (Pants, Shirt, Jacket)

I have the following buffs:
Increased Run Speed by 25%
Skill Gain - Mining by 13%
Skill Gain - Item construction by 8%
Skill Gain - Tool Construction by 8%
Skill Gain - Garment construction by 8%
Increased Rare Mining Finds by 1%
Increases inventory carry capacity by 20kg

Hopefully this clears up some information.



Thanks for the answer.
This is intentional, the items required to refine it are able to be farmed and traded to other players (similar to the Zyn'viathan missions) which allows players to repeat and sell quest rewards from this missions if they choose but not sell Zyn Rucksacks wholesale.
I do not see logic in this. To whom and what is the benefit of the fact that the backpack is not tradeable? There is no benefit to anyone. What is the meaning of this idea?
I see the logic that everything is the other way around: components do not tradeable, but the backpack is tradeable.
Avatar bounded reward greatly reduces the circle of players who want to get it.

Everything stacks as far as our testing *except* the Inventory carry capacity.
I hope this will be fixed.


New Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to try and offer answer some insight and answers to some of these questions:

This is intentional, the items required to refine it are able to be farmed and traded to other players (similar to the Zyn'viathan missions) which allows players to repeat and sell quest rewards from this missions if they choose but not sell Zyn Rucksacks wholesale.

Everything stacks as far as our testing *except* the Inventory carry capacity.

If I equip everything listed:
Zyn Rucksack, Basic
Courier Touched Body Suit
Turrelia Touched Set Bonus (Pants, Shirt, Jacket)

I have the following buffs:
Increased Run Speed by 25%
Skill Gain - Mining by 13%
Skill Gain - Item construction by 8%
Skill Gain - Tool Construction by 8%
Skill Gain - Garment construction by 8%
Increased Rare Mining Finds by 1%
Increases inventory carry capacity by 20kg

Hopefully this clears up some information.


Thanks Kris,

Im sorry to say that if your testing involved equipping these items and then looking at the buff bar to determine whether the buffs stack or not then your test is flawed.

It has been tested and measured, by cycling peds, that when you have more than one item giving a skillgain buff, only the highest value is actually received. As I dont have all these items I cant verify it myself, and its rather expensive to acquire and then cycle alot of peds just to find out one way or another how it really works.

This was tested by other players back when the skillgain coats were introduced. 25% skillgain from the coat, either alone, or coupled with summer 2016 for additional 25% or a 20% skillpill. No matter which combination, the end result of actual skillgain, measured, was always 25%. So yea, I dont see why the skillgains for these cyrene items would be any different.

Its true, I am in a way speculating that it works like this, but its based on how other buffs actually work.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone,

Let me try and answer some of these:

I do not see logic in this. To whom and what is the benefit of the fact that the backpack is not tradeable? There is no benefit to anyone. What is the meaning of this idea?

To quote Shawna (because you asked this on Discord as well):

Basically, this was a design choice made between MA and Planet Cyrene to bring more value to the items needed for the refine over the backpack itself.

This allows players who do not want to gather the materials themselves or have the skill level, the ability to still refine for the rucksack without the rucksack itself flooding the market creating balancing issues down the line as we release the upgrades.

Im sorry to say that if your testing involved equipping these items and then looking at the buff bar to determine whether the buffs stack or not then your test is flawed.

It has been tested and measured, by cycling peds, that when you have more than one item giving a skillgain buff, only the highest value is actually received. As I dont have all these items I cant verify it myself, and its rather expensive to acquire and then cycle alot of peds just to find out one way or another how it really works.

This was tested by other players back when the skillgain coats were introduced. 25% skillgain from the coat, either alone, or coupled with summer 2016 for additional 25% or a 20% skillpill. No matter which combination, the end result of actual skillgain, measured, was always 25%. So yea, I dont see why the skillgains for these cyrene items would be any different.

Its true, I am in a way speculating that it works like this, but its based on how other buffs actually work.

Fair enough, we are only able to test according to what we have access to on the test server (Planet specific items with limited universal items) and as Shawna has stated in the past, the troubles with testing anything on the test server (especially buffs) is that it's not always accurate to what is actually happening on live servers.

So we heavily rely on player feedback when we monitor any new content.

Will the new stable be listed for sale or how does that work?

No, the pet stables will not be listed for sale.

We will be making our own post about this at a later date.

On that note, I do want to add that we really appreciate everyone's input and feedback about Cyrene and thanks for playing!


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Glad we will have as stable that is actually run then... current owner doesn't supply any buffs even with new epic jelly creating demand...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Wait why does bella own the new stable? Is her old one being removed? Why was a 2nd stable given to the owner seemingly for free or by private sale? Especially since the current stable owner bella doesn't even sell buffs from the stable...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Rusty,

Wait why does bella own the new stable? Is her old one being removed? Why was a 2nd stable given to the owner seemingly for free or by private sale? Especially since the current stable owner bella doesn't even sell buffs from the stable...

Bella still has their stable and is still the owner of it, but it has been relocated. As no one, including MA, as been able to get in touch with them.

For the rest, as I said earlier, we'll be making our own post about the stables later.



Sandal San Tolk
Stables were greatly reduced in their profit potential only a short few months after being sold with much fanfare. The torrent of buffed items introduced thereafter made it pretty much obsolete to buy these from stables, and therefore most owners stopped offering any, since they also have to pay for stocking each item first. The timeline makes it almost implausible to assume the plans for this weren't already in the drawers at the time of releasing the stables. This has been talked about in the past.
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Stables were greatly reduced in their profit potential only a short few months after being sold with much fanfare. The torrent of buffed items introduced thereafter made it pretty much obsolete to buy these from stables, and therefore most owners stopped offering any, since they also have to pay for stocking each item first. The timeline makes it almost implausible to assume the plans for this weren't already in the drawers at the time of releasing the stables. This has been talked about in the past.
Cyrene stable was just 30k ped, all stables were around that price except caly ones. Owners can sell if they don't like it. that is no excuse.