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Notification: This is an alert from the emergency broadcast system


very true, we're all speculating still.
And fyi I've no problems with lilmc shooting down my claim of Christmas event. lol :hehe1:
Oh but Christmas in July... that should be a thing!!! ;)

FYI read again who I was quoting and addressing. lol :hehe1:

Unless you are now Axe Murdurer I do believe you have things mixed up lol :monkey_slap:

Anyway, yeah Im quite looking forward to this...Hopefully it will live up to our expectations. Whatever it is I wish good luck to you all. ;)
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Active Member
FYI read again who I was quoting and addressing. lol :hehe1:

Unless you are now Axe Murdurer I do believe you have things mixed up lol :monkey_slap:

Anyway, yeah Im quite looking forward to this...Hopefully it will live up to our expectations. Whatever it is I wish good luck to you all. ;)

Hi Axe Murdurer :braa:
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Where can i find more info about this?
At what MA time and Day is this event taking place?
I read here it's on Sunday, right :confused:
And i see a few mention a specific time :headscratch::confused:


Where can i find more info about this?
At what MA time and Day is this event taking place?
I read here it's on Sunday, right :confused:
And i see a few mention a specific time :headscratch::confused:

It has already happened, it was a fun event but a few glitches with spawns.

It mentioned 04:00 utc, ie 04:00 MA time


It has already happened, it was a fun event but a few glitches with spawns.

It mentioned 04:00 utc, ie 04:00 MA time

Thanks for the info and that's about 5:00 or 6:00 AM my time, i'll check it out once in game :)


Active Member
The event happened about 13 hours ago (see time on this post)
It started with some stops n starts, but turned out to be lots of fun.

When it was to start apparently there was 62 people and with more arriving.

There was some technical glitches (no worries since we understand its 1st time doing event)
So lilmc got us to line up and follow him and stuff. (Click small thumbnails to view bigger image.)

Eventually we came to a stop and waited a bit before...
Yup several people decided the avatar with a star above it must be a piñata and opened fire.

That's when lilmc got confused and thought he was doing a mob train, then decided to drown us.

After a bit devs found out the mobs spawned at another location, turned out to only be 2 or 3 there.
Most players successfully tested the Emergency TP system.

Then moved to ice TP and voila! Dukes to shoot.

Jumped on the TP and shot up more mobs like giant jelly!

Also Default Stalker G4084 :eek:

And Default Epic Zeladoth (btw players killed it before i could quickly take 3rd screenshots lol)

Back to the ice and someone kept using rockets to bring in the mobs... :/

Eventually we prevailed against the onslaught but it took awhile.

It got slow again as devs worked on some more technical difficulties.

Most players kept busy doing stuff, joking around, etc.

Then came the waves of crabs...

Immediately after shooting all the crabs there was waves and waves of Dukes! :)

We started seeing a lot of swirlies with Dukes.

I've a lot of swirlie screenshots, so heres one more yay! :D

And it ended with Dukes about 2.5 hours after event started.
Pretty much everyone seemed to have a good time, not everyone stayed for the entire event.
But there was also other players joining in late so things kept moving along.
We shared many laughs, some frustration waiting (and rockets comment above...), and some globals too.
Overall was lots of fun, thanks to everyone who joined in. :)

Devs said they did not expect so many players to turn up.
Also said they learned a lot from this first event.
Thank you lilmc for organizing this, and Kris and Team Cyrene too. :)

PS. I liked that it was completely different and hope Cyrene keeps doing things like this event their unique way.


You got to be kidding me, it already happend? :banghead: o_O
"The event happened about 13 hours ago"

Oke, better luck for me next time and also a note to myself,
"reading glasses" since i've read Sunday and it says Saterday.lol

@ Hec,
Thanks for them screenshots, seems like a lot of fun :cool::cheer::cool:
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Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

Some feedback.
1st of all big thanks about your efforts to make things happen. Overall event was a great fun.

- Zeladoth:
Really shitty hit box. It is bound to mob's tail, so when there are more ppl is impossible to auto aim.
When solo and mob is frontal is all good.

- Wave event:
It is a huge lag and very unpleasant experience to spawn so many mobs on such a small area.
So either remove it or keep it like 10 waves of single boss mobs (L 1k+ ~20-50k hp).

- Login more often to production server and keep in touch with your player base.
Pay special attention to newcomers, and difficulties they encounter on the planet.

I noticed duke is now with improved hitbox and not jumping all around the area (good job there).

Edit: Went to another planet for an event today an situation was not any better.
Too many mobs all on revival, pure masacre.
Seems event system was written by a dev with a frozen left foot. :D
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