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[n00b] Daily Puny Tempo Trials

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene


There are 5 daily Tempo Managers that will challenge you to kill a certain amount of low level creatures each day. These missions are repeatable every 21 hours and are available to players of all skill levels. The missions are short and easy to complete and reward with various skills. Each mission is located within a short walk of each other.

This mission is excellent for new players, even on their first day.

Tempo Managers are located at the following coordinates.


Pleak Tempo Manager [138009, 77476]
Dire Weed Tempo Manager [137500, 77471]
Junk Bot Tempo Manager [138035, 76831]
Crystal Pede Tempo Manager [138047, 77124]
Tree Dragon Tempo Manager [137789, 77024]

Speak to the Tempo Manager located at each location detailed above, each will assign a number of mobs to defeat and give you a time limit of 15 minutes to do so. Talk to the NPC by double clicking them or right clicking and selecting operate. Select the option "I'm ready (timer will start)" to begin the mission. The creatures required for each are immediately near the Tempo Manager.
Detailed below is the amount of creatures to be killed for each Tempo Manager and the creatures HP and Damage.

Puny Pleak [Kill: 30] [HP: 10] [Damage: 2]
Sprouted Dire Weed [Kill: 10] [HP: 50] [Damage: 5]
Puny Tree Dragon [Kill: 30] [HP: 30] [Damage: 5]
Puny Crystal Pede [Kill: 30] [HP: 30] [Damage: 3]
Junk Scout Bot [Kill: 15] [HP: 5] [Damage: 1]


Puny Tempo Trial: Pleak [0.01 PED Anatomy skill]
Puny Tempo Trial: Dire Weed [0.01 PED Laser Weaponry Technology skill]
Puny Tempo Trial: Tree Dragon [0.01 PED Dexterity skill]
Puny Tempo Trial: Crystal Pede [0.01 PED Combat Reflexes skill]
Puny Tempo Trial:Junk Bot [0.01 PED Weapons Handling skill]

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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Post reserved to link to other tutorials.

Tutorials I plan on doing shortly, please feel feel free to make suggestions for other tutorials I should create.

Vehicle Parts Collecting
How to Deposit
Hub Token Farming
Sweating Paneleon guide
Mission Token Guide
Ultimate n00b challenge (after completing it myself with a log)
Hunt anything missions (recommend using 5 hp bots)
Discipleship tutorial
A.R.C. Faction Mission Tutorial (specifically the daily portion)
How to use entropedia.info weapon compare
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