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My to heck with it moment!


New Member
So i log in today and start killing mobs, kill a few young and mature get the usual 1 oil 10 frag 1 skin loot.So there are 3 Doms in this herd so i go ok lets see hat we get.first kill no loot, second kill 25 frags , 3rd kill no loot, logged off and said to heck with it.Have hunted every day this week and have yet to global or even break even on a hunt and yet i see the same people day after day in the global screen some 2 3 4 or more times a day.after the survey i decided to come back and give the game another go but its still the same old MA picks who wins and who loses as it was.Enjoy im out.

Today I went to FOMA with a level 5 amp. I blew 49 NRF in a row before I said "to heck with it" (however, I am a little more verbal) and left the place. I was so pissed that I chipped in from Prospector level 8 to level 20, bought a better finder, applied yet another level 5 amp, and went of to FOMA yet again. I got myself 5 or 6 claims on 98 bombs.

So what do we do? We take a chill pill. If we are a hunter by nature, we go mining and try that; if we are a miner by nature, we go hunting - but never touch that craft machine. Just don't. Get the fuck out of there as fast as you can.

We must be diverse in our game-play because we can never beat the system. We can, however, beat each other, but I myself do not have the patience to become a trader. Like MindStar would've said: it's about the community - and the diversity of it.

Never play for what you cannot lose. Never lose what you cannot afford. <Removed>

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hi both of you.

I understand the game can be frustrating at times but will please ask you not to name call people/MindArk etc. I removed the parts (Cyrene Forum Rules §2.10) - also please have §2.8 in mind.

You can see the forum rules HERE

Thank you.


Kick Ass Elf
Never play for what you cannot lose. Never lose what you cannot afford.

Always wise words those. Never gamble what you are not ok with loosing.

I always call EU depos based on what seems like value for money as compared to a night out or going to the cinema or what a subscription MMO would have cost me over 8 years and the amount of time I would have had available to play it (not much in my case if EU is anything to go on).

I look at what I've depo'd over the years compared to these things and its an acceptable amount and an amount I could in theory get a lot of back or maybe even profit on if I were to cash out.
Hi both of you.

I understand the game can be frustrating at times but will please ask you not to name call people/MindArk etc. I removed the parts (Cyrene Forum Rules §2.10) - also please have §2.8 in mind.

You can see the forum rules HERE

Thank you.
Oh, all right. I was under the impression that this forum was administrated by people who once upon a time had become irritated over a certain person's monopoly and this person's habit of changing posts, banning words, fraud people, etc.

But now I know this is not the case, so I won't compare MA to a casino anymore, because the differences are so obvious (we get alcohol in casinos), nor will I use the f-word. :)

Well, a lot more should have been removed. Come on..you can be better if you try in what you say.
Please, elaborate. Where in my post do you find a fallacy? I told the guy not to play for what he couldn't afford to lose, and I told him to seek his fun in perhaps something less expensive, or just something different.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Oh, all right. I was under the impression that this forum was administrated by people who once upon a time had become irritated over a certain person's monopoly and this person's habit of changing posts, banning words, fraud people, etc.

This forum is owned by an official Planet Partner - Cyrene. And since I'm a part of the Cyrene staff, I follow these rules too.

The forum rules we have are still under development, but the basis rules are containing the exact same content as other Planet Partners. One of them being §2.10 "Everything violating the Entropia Universe Terms of Use (ToU) will be deleted and may result in a ban." - which is the same rule players in the Universe accepts when they join the game.

If you wish to discuss things further I can recommend the independent forum www.entropiaplanets.com - but they also have rules ;)

Thank you for your understanding.
This forum is owned by an official Planet Partner - Cyrene. And since I'm a part of the Cyrene staff, I follow these rules too.

The forum rules we have are still under development, but the basis rules are containing the exact same content as other Planet Partners. One of them being §2.10 "Everything violating the Entropia Universe Terms of Use (ToU) will be deleted and may result in a ban." - which is the same rule players in the Universe accepts when they join the game.

If you wish to discuss things further I can recommend the independent forum www.entropiaplanets.com - but they also have rules ;)

Thank you for your understanding.
Yes, I got a message from Ed. Like I said to him, I understand your position, however much I believe it violates the very basis of a free society. ;)


New Member
No doubt..... this game is turning to complete crud. 6MIL was not enough for MA, they will forever be greedy for your money until the day they close doors.

A bunch of my friends from EU(hardcore hunters/miners) have already quit, many are following... I was looking forward to depositing a couple hundred and doing a nice birthday hunt on the newly released planet.... but no freaking way, not with the FAIL of a release that cyrene is, especially not after the way its been for the past months in EU.

MA: is getting more and more greedy.
Calypso: loot has turned way bad, MU looting mobs nerfed... etc.
Rock: taxed to all hell with crud returns.
FOMA: taxed to all hell with crud returns.
Arkadia: crafters have left leaving the only planet with decent MU on hunting loot not worth hunting on.
cyrene:.... god do i even need to say anything about this FAIL of a release? I think they just wanted to take a bunch of money from people so they released an unfinished planet with crud for loot return.
DIABLO3: On the other hand.... is coming out shortly. =)

So yah, keep your cruddy "re-balancing", keep adding more "shared events" and useless planets...., keep your community scam that you called "CLD's"(awesome way to scam millions out of your players, freaking genious).....
After a few last runs to finish up my PED card balance.... I'm taking my money elsewhere.


win some, loose more.. you should know this by now mate, you never go to FOMA unless you plan on loosing, simple as that. As for returns, yes they can be very low, but they can also turn around very quickly:)! just stick to your budgets mates.. there are a lot of things to do in EU besides hunting/crafting/mining. i like buying a lot of rookie finders from Calypso and going mad with them, cheap and fun :D

best of luck to everyone




Fact is people just keep gambling, and treating entropia like a slot machine throw more money at something so you get bigger returns. When i loose big i scale back. Smaller weapons smaller armour smaller mobs. When i gain big i upgrade. That kinda shows MA what I want basically. If everyone does that then MA will realize if they want to make more money they need to have more balance and make how to have that balance a little easyer to see.

Maybe we need more guideance from MA as to what we should do. Maybe we should get warnings this mob is level 100 you are level 30 it's way to big for you. I have actually wondered lately about matching my pro level to mob level personaly i've found it helps.

I sometimes wonder if the community as a whole just over guns themselves as a whole to much. I think maybe everyone needs to scale back and maybe the universe will balance itself out.

Problem is people want to hunt bigger stuff by buying bigger armour and bigger guns but not excepting the cost.

been playing 8 years only got a little over 80k total skills and i still hunt with a herbox adjusted pixie and 5bs. I can kill tons of stuff one mob at a time. and usually fapping after the battle not durring. I cary a ek2600 mostly for when i get crits. And use weapons that i'm under the skill bonus for. It works for me and i have low expectations. I stick to "lower mobs that are actually around my 30ish pro standings i hunt mobs around the 20-35 level. I know i'm not gonna get a big hof or big item but i dont care about that as much as i care about my money lasting and that it does.


Fact is people just keep gambling, and treating entropia like a slot machine throw more money at something so you get bigger returns. When i loose big i scale back. Smaller weapons smaller armour smaller mobs. When i gain big i upgrade. That kinda shows MA what I want basically. If everyone does that then MA will realize if they want to make more money they need to have more balance and make how to have that balance a little easyer to see.

Maybe we need more guideance from MA as to what we should do. Maybe we should get warnings this mob is level 100 you are level 30 it's way to big for you. I have actually wondered lately about matching my pro level to mob level personaly i've found it helps.

I sometimes wonder if the community as a whole just over guns themselves as a whole to much. I think maybe everyone needs to scale back and maybe the universe will balance itself out.

Problem is people want to hunt bigger stuff by buying bigger armour and bigger guns but not excepting the cost.

been playing 8 years only got a little over 80k total skills and i still hunt with a herbox adjusted pixie and 5bs. I can kill tons of stuff one mob at a time. and usually fapping after the battle not durring. I cary a ek2600 mostly for when i get crits. And use weapons that i'm under the skill bonus for. It works for me and i have low expectations. I stick to "lower mobs that are actually around my 30ish pro standings i hunt mobs around the 20-35 level. I know i'm not gonna get a big hof or big item but i dont care about that as much as i care about my money lasting and that it does.

i agree with that 100%


Fact is people just keep gambling, and treating entropia like a slot machine throw more money at something so you get bigger returns. When i loose big i scale back. Smaller weapons smaller armour smaller mobs. When i gain big i upgrade. That kinda shows MA what I want basically. If everyone does that then MA will realize if they want to make more money they need to have more balance and make how to have that balance a little easyer to see.

Maybe we need more guideance from MA as to what we should do. Maybe we should get warnings this mob is level 100 you are level 30 it's way to big for you. I have actually wondered lately about matching my pro level to mob level personaly i've found it helps.

I sometimes wonder if the community as a whole just over guns themselves as a whole to much. I think maybe everyone needs to scale back and maybe the universe will balance itself out.

Problem is people want to hunt bigger stuff by buying bigger armour and bigger guns but not excepting the cost.

been playing 8 years only got a little over 80k total skills and i still hunt with a herbox adjusted pixie and 5bs. I can kill tons of stuff one mob at a time. and usually fapping after the battle not durring. I cary a ek2600 mostly for when i get crits. And use weapons that i'm under the skill bonus for. It works for me and i have low expectations. I stick to "lower mobs that are actually around my 30ish pro standings i hunt mobs around the 20-35 level. I know i'm not gonna get a big hof or big item but i dont care about that as much as i care about my money lasting and that it does.
All that and the key words here are BALANCE,'low expectations'