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[low] Cyrene Daily Tokens (item exchange)

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene


There are several Requisition Officers on Cyrene willing to reward you with Cyrene Mission Tokens in exchange for certain items they need for various reasons. Some are simply titled Requisition Officers, however some have names. All of the mission brokers will have a ! over their head. These missions are repeatable once every 24 hours, however can be done instantly if you have the items in your inventory in advance.

This mission is excellent for low level players, as it may require some funds to get the materials, either through other players or through mining and hunting.

Requisition officers are located at the following coordinates. Quests in red can only be completed every 48 hours.

Tribute to the Councilmen. (20 Bonding Liquid / 8 Tokens) [138316, 77717]
Tribute to the Councilmen! (40 Zorn Star Ore / 8 Tokens) [138316, 77717]
The Ambassador Needs You! (5 Scrap Metal / 4 Tokens) [138364, 77683]
Electronic Component Enhancements (5 Kaisenite Ingots / 6 Tokens) [133132, 75001]
Blue Crystals for Wilco (3 Blue Crystals / 1 Token) [138876, 77252]
Green Healing! (5 Green Crystals / 3 Tokens) [138820, 77076]
Yellow Crystals? (5 Yellow Crystals / 1 Token) [138849, 77056]
Rebuilding the Base (5 Zorn Star Ingot / 3 Tokens) [138342, 77217]
Zorn Star Prospects (5 Zorn Star Ore / 1 Token) [138342, 77217]
This craft's for you! (1 Light Power Cell / 1 Token) [138342, 77217]


Speak to the Requisition Officer located at each location detailed above, each will request a number of items to exchange for Cyrene Mission Tokens. Talk to the NPC by double clicking them or right clicking and selecting operate. Accept the mission, then talk to the NPC again with the item in your inventory, a box will open up and you are to drag the item into it to compete the quest. Do not worry about giving the NPC too many items at once, they will only take what they need. However giving them too many at once will lock the rest into your inventory until you relog due to a glitch.

Item Checklist, be sure to always have these in your inventory for simplicity.​
  • 45 Zorn Star Ore (every 48 Hours)
  • 20 Bonding Liquid (every 48 Hours)
  • 5 Scrap Ingot​
  • 5 Kaisenite Ingot​
  • 3 Blue Crystal​
  • 5 Green Crystal​
  • 5 Yellow Crystal​
  • 5 Zorn Star Ingot​
  • 1 Light Power Cell​


Doing these daily for the tokens rewards in a total of 34 Cyrene Mission Token from the exchange missions. Cyrene Mission Token can be sold to players at a rate of between 1400% to 1800% or used in exchange for items from various token vendors on Cyrene. Here are their locations.

Boffin - Boffin Edition Armor [138438, 77190]
Cyrene Mission Token Vendor Grippa - Zyn Fireplaces [138438, 77190]
Requisition Officer Nealon - Weapons/Armor [138449, 77429]

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One might want to do some math before turning in 1 Light Power Cell (0.05@~700%) for 1 Cyrene Mission Token (0.01@~1500%).

Also, Green Healing! IIRC yields 2 tokens.

And this:
Do not worry about giving the NPC too many items at once, they will only take what they need.
...needs checking. Unless it's been fixed in the last few months, giving a NPC too much stuff used to lock the remainder so that you couldn't do anything with it without relogging.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
One might want to do some math before turning in 1 Light Power Cell (0.05@~700%) for 1 Cyrene Mission Token (0.01@~1500%).

Also, Green Healing! IIRC yields 2 tokens.

And this:
Do not worry about giving the NPC too many items at once, they will only take what they need.
...needs checking. Unless it's been fixed in the last few months, giving a NPC too much stuff used to lock the remainder so that you couldn't do anything with it without relogging.

Oh, that is why my remainder keeps locking. It is has not been an issue other than with the two Zorn star ore missions however. I will add a warning. Thanks for the tidbit on green healing. I ran through them all today but had to guess that one as I am out of green crystal.


Active Member
Haruto I wrote about that a while ago with the green crystal's being disproportionate in price .vs. the other stuff for tokens. Still though, when you do the math for the MU on the tokens, you can still make out a bit. As long as we are discussing tokens, it'd be nice if the drill bot missions would award more than they do as well on the daily's. At least that one you can stack the hell out of missions so one kill can work towards 3 tasks or so.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Giving the NPC too many items now doesn't glitch out anymore. Just an FYI you don't need to separate stacks any longer.