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Looking For A Mentor


New Member
Hi guys i'm still fairly new to this game (been playing for a couple of weeks) and i think that i would benefit from a mentor, i have been focusing on on my rifle skills so far and am aiming to become a decent hunter, if there is anyone who can help me out please let me know. i live in the UK. Cheers :)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
if you still need, I'm happy to guide you. I have decent knowledge of cyrene and hunting. just drop me a friend request or find me in mentor register. will be nipping to vets in 30 mins, but ill be back on after


New Member
[That's great thanks, I will send a request now, but wont be able to catch up with you till Friday, as I'm now abut to head out for a meal (wedding anniversary) and working through the day tomorrow, I will be on all day on Friday though.