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Kris what do you think about this?


Active Member
Hey Kris!

What do you think about this? Wouldn't it be a good idea to do this too?

AFAIK this doesn't require MA approval/help since those roles are not official; they only get a custom made vest and a forum title, other than that they're just regular players that just act as ambassadors of the planet.

And before anyone here gets any ideas, no, that's not something I want for myself (or at least not in the predictable future), but to the helpful people that are here since ages and are already helping a lot... guess it would be nice if they would receive some recognition and a little bit more authority.

Just my 2 cents...
It's back from the dead? :D

There used to be one three...four years ago, they even handed out adviser vests, and then the program died off somehow.


Active Member
Yeah, something like that.

Theoretically, it never died... the people that were named advisors four years ago still had their vests and forum title and many of them were still helping people in the game, but it was more like neglect; now they seem to want to give it some fresh blood and recruit some new advisors.

And, honestly, I fail to see why this wouldn't work for our planet too... if anything Justine, you (if you would ever decide to return :p) and probably many others helped quite a lot already; why not get some official appreciation for this? :)

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Everyone!

I'm not Kris but I can tell you this is something we have on our internal road map. This will be a program we will take pride in sharing with everyone in the community. However, we're working on a few things before this can become a reality.

To add I've been meaning to ask this for a while if we had such a program how will the community feel best who gets selected? (I have a few of mine but would appreciate the community to leave suggestions and feedback so we can tweak it a bit).


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Lilmc is 100% correct about this:

I'm not Kris but I can tell you this is something we have on our internal road map. This will be a program we will take pride in sharing with everyone in the community. However, we're working on a few things before this can become a reality.

I'm also really looking forward to hearing feedback about his second part:

if we had such a program how will the community feel best who gets selected?

This is something that can hopefully coincide with the graduation process on Cyrene, but if it can't be aligned then we can do them both separately.



Sandal San Tolk
To add I've been meaning to ask this for a while if we had such a program how will the community feel best who gets selected?
There are some who have a passion for sharing information, and some who are a bit more selective about it. There is a crowd who wants everything served on a silver tablet, and those who jump headlong into the unknown with a lot of money and come out hurt when what they found did not meet their expectation. It's a hard one to answer. I mean, unlike other planets, this is still very much in the pioneering phase. We expect upheaval again once the full-blown version comes out. What exactly is the role of an advisor until then? Is it the very same as on other planets?

I believe right now the most needed qualification is knowledge about the multitude of missions and NPC's, this is more complicated than anywhere else. Sometimes I want to try and untangle it for Entropedia, then I give up again within 30 minutes, knowing it will all change again anyway. This would be helpful for both new players and those grown up elsewhere, if someone could answer questions about what best to do for a specific goal and where to go to get on the track. This already works pretty well in the #cyrene chat channel. If you want to institutionalize it, the ones who already are the most consistent helpful souls should be invited.


Active Member
To add I've been meaning to ask this for a while if we had such a program how will the community feel best who gets selected? (I have a few of mine but would appreciate the community to leave suggestions and feedback so we can tweak it a bit).

I'm also really looking forward to hearing feedback about his second part:

Well, I think that for someone to get such a position three conditions must be fulfilled simultaneously:
- said people must be interested in this position, so I think that a first step would be to take applications, just like Arkadia team did with their program;
- then, said people must be in good standings with MA / Cyrene team, so you should probably do a background check on them and remove those persons that have a bad history with you or MA, which have a shady background or which you simply can't get along with;
- finally, said people must be in good standings with the community, so I think the last step should probably be to post the filtered list of candidates and the number of position openings on the forum and have some kind of poll where everyone could vote for their favorite, and the people with the most votes would be selected (to limit possible abuse for voting, you might ask certain conditions to be matched before someone's vote to be considered - forum account registered since a minimum time, only people that actually live on Cyrene [proven with globals on EL], etc).

What I think is important though is that the position to not have too many perks. As in, sure, some custom clothes to make the advisors easily identifiable within the game, a special forum title or something else along these lines is cool. But not anything more than that and you'll have people applying for the benefits, not for the idea of helping the community and the planet.
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Neo Jr XL

It's back from the dead? :D

There used to be one three...four years ago, they even handed out adviser vests, and then the program died off somehow.

Not that I'm aware about any Cyrene program, but keeping engagement going requires an effort from PP...Just ask 'statues' at 101...one even has asked to have it removed...

P.S. I would rather fix broken wp links after moving NPCs every other month and never testing, then waste community time discussing non existing in EU fishing, trees mechanics (which have been there for quite some time), creating 'pirate' forum events with little connection to the planet lore, shops (I can't imagine why Monria was able to have shops on the date of launch and Cyrene team is keep feeding 'need to finalize with MA' 9 months after announcing it), graduation (there is now Cyrene graduation armor on Entropedia as community engaged, but...Toulan has graduation armor, not Cyrene). I personally believe it's fine not to put those things as priorities for the planet development, Cyrene is not copy paste of Caly or Ark, but then stop confusing the community and give us a bit of direction. We may help...


Active Member
As for all the advisors being voted for, I'd say no, only some positions get voted for like that.
Some players would never volunteer, nor be interested in running for a popularity contest...
Why? Because a popularity contest to be voted advisor would be by some (enough) as a meaningless, self-serving meat market. (to paraphrase George C. Scott)
And yet if the games developers simply approached certain players they might be interested.

While writing that I'm thinking of 2 particular players that were in rookie chat daily for years and extremely helpful, and friendly. Afaik did not apply for Caly advisor positions (~2 years back), and never struck me as the type that would either. Too busy playing and having fun, but equally or more helpful (imo) then some official advisors at the time...

only people that actually live on Cyrene [proven with globals on EL], etc).
EL won't work, too few players use EL on Cyrene.
Yes the overall population is bigger then on RT, but Cyrene has overstock on wilting/lurking shadows.
EL records the HoFs on Cyrene, but only a handful of globals if enough logged in on Cyrene and running EL.
But even still, it again seems from the EL data that Cyrene is not far from RT...

Also "only live on Cyrene"?!.
Is there a uniform definition for the minimum amount of time?
ie. 1 week on cyrene, but how many hours logged in? For example could I drop my avatar on Cyrene, go on vacation irl and return a couple weeks later and well everyone knows where this is going...
and go!

But not anything more than that and you'll have people applying for the benefits, not for the idea of helping the community and the planet.
Ummm??? "But not anything more than that and "
Er, did you mean? "But not anything more than that, or "


Well-Known Member
I think it's a good idea :D

There are some who have a passion for sharing information, and some who are a bit more selective about it.

I think it's normal. This game is based on knowledge, especially with loot V2.0, MA said knowledge will be more important.
Help community do not mean you have to share all. Where is the pleasure if you do not have to find somethings by yourself ? :)

I believe right now the most needed qualification is knowledge about the multitude of missions and NPC's

+1 . I agree.

What I think is important though is that the position to not have too many perks. As in, sure, some custom clothes to make the advisors easily identifiable within the game, a special forum title or something else along these lines is cool. But not anything more than that and you'll have people applying for the benefits, not for the idea of helping the community and the planet.

Yes, clothes with 1pec TT value and a special forum title is enough. Maybe a direct link to Dev ? 3 days ago we did the wave event and at wave 7, 1 mang chang was stuck and impossible to kill (it happened often on the 7th waves). Hopefully we got help from Calypso Advisor, one official came on cyrene and helped us. I think, if Kris is able to do the same things than Caly official, a direct link should help.

You should choose players from different time zone too.

Some rules must help, if this is players, that mean they play and sometimes they are busy with their own mission. So, some simple rules should help. Something like, if they wear clothes, they must help, if they wear the in game clothes, that mean they are not available for help.
A special chat like calypso advisor ? #Cyrene work fine, but sometimes you don't know if this si a trade channel or not and rarely (but it happened) there is some insult, some moderator could help.

Like San said, the most important for choose these players, it's the Cyrene Knowledge :

-Missions + mission brokers (not specialy all reward)
-Enought play time
-Different time zone players
-Forum activity (minimum post/like requirement)

But the community have to keep on there mind, these players will not be slaves ;)
Sometimes they can't answer if they do their missions.

Have fun :)


Sandal San Tolk
I think it's normal. This game is based on knowledge, especially with loot V2.0, MA said knowledge will be more important.
Help community do not mean you have to share all. Where is the pleasure if you do not have to find somethings by yourself ? :)
Sometimes it's about fun, sometimes about hard economic advantage. Which is perfectly legitimate. Yet whom would you like to see in an elevated community position?


Active Member
I said my idea and I didn't intended to touch this subject again, but since you directed it to me I felt the need to answer; not like trying to advocate or enforce my idea.

Ummm??? "But not anything more than that and "
Er, did you mean? "But not anything more than that, or "

I guess the correct form is the one you mentioned, but even now I don't know for sure - lol. I'm sorry, but English is not my first (or even my second) language. The idea that there shouldn't be a too big reward so we don't end up with people applying (and eventually even trying to rig the vote) just or mostly for the reward.

As for all the advisors being voted for, I'd say no, only some positions get voted for like that. Some players would never volunteer, nor be interested in running for a popularity contest...

I don't like popularity contests either (if not for something else, at least for the fact that I never was popular - lol). But the thing is that these advisors will somehow act like some ambassadors for the planet, like some interface between the community and devs so is actually good to have people that are liked by the community, so you end up attracting the others. Now imagine an absurd scenario where Cyrene team would pick me... this would instantly alienate 90% of the EU players that hate me (in my vision for no reason other than being different, but still) - this would definitely not be a wise decision and the role of the community vote would be to filter situations like this.

Also "only live on Cyrene"?!.

I never said "only" and I actually think there are very few of us that only live on one planet; but yeah, I think it makes sense to be people that spend most of their time on here because this way they not only can better help but also probably have a better knowledge about what happens around. Don't think there may be some strict requirements though, as in a minimum number of hours or so as you said; just using common sense should be enough.


Active Member
as far as guides go, etc. updating wikis is probably something all the PPs should have someone do more often. Quite a few with really outdated info out there... also what info that is out there isn't all that detailed. Entropedia does have a pretty nice list of missions, and brokers, but not a heck of a lot of info on the path you should take as to which mission should come first, etc. Some folks in the community are starting to do better tutorials on that type of stuff, but since they are doing it to up their affiliate links, etc. that some forums don't allow, they get banned for just trying, lol.