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Imperium Officer XT


Active Member
oh that's a shame indeed, such an item is a really good reason to grind other than small mobs and provide fresh blood to the player base.

Kris if is possible to check this also would be great.



Well-Known Member
Officer XT Molds are dropping from imperiums, so hopefully it will be a craftable item soon or not that soon. :D


Sandal San Tolk
I assume he means the "broken" parts. Nobody knows what these are going to be good for one day (or did I miss something?)

Regarding the actual weapon, hope it's not against OP's interest to add some more questions to collect all eventual answers in one thread. Since I became interested in it, it took a while to stumble over its main drawback, the TT to decay ratio which makes it last for only a few minutes of shooting before having to repair it again. Is this by design, if so what is the reason, or is it an error, if so can it be corrected? Answers from 'above' much preferred to speculation.
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New Member
So, are these still not obtainable or has anything changed that I might get one someday?
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New Member
Nifty. Thanks for the quick response. I just wish the effect they have lasted longer than 0 seconds now. Was remembering them as lasting a few seconds so I thought it would be handy to use for the effect then switch to something with more damage on high-level mobs to keep them from hitting me, but I checked it again and it says 0 seconds. Still, it's a cool gun cause of the effect so I'll likely try for one later :)

Maybe, it would be useful as part of a team effort on something that deals a lot of damage. That way one member could use this for the effect then the others could deal all the real damage to take it down :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Grimbly,

I just wish the effect they have lasted longer than 0 seconds now. Was remembering them as lasting a few seconds so I thought it would be handy to use for the effect then switch to something with more damage on high-level mobs to keep them from hitting me, but I checked it again and it says 0 seconds.

I think it's difficult for MA to balance some of the non-damage effects on weapons, this one included, especially with slowing effects. I think there is a lot of room for more traditional combat roles that haven't been fully explored in Entropia Universe.

Maybe, it would be useful as part of a team effort on something that deals a lot of damage. That way one member could use this for the effect then the others could deal all the real damage to take it down :)

We've talked a lot about this internally and it's something that we never take off the table, however there are a lot of figurative hoops to jump through for this to be viable.



New Member
Well, I looked at the Imperium Officers again on the wiki and it will be a good while before I can tackle those guys so I guess this will have to wait for now :)

Thanks for the quick replies all the same :)

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Does this drop off of the level 46 Imperium officers? I ask because that is crazy! Imperium officers only spawn after killing around 45 imperium grunts, and then I'm presuming you have to global on the imperium officer, and THEN it's still a very rare drop.

Doing the Imperiums on the Zorra HK quest, I killed all of the officers, and I got two "Broken Officer XT". I almost lost my mind when I looted them thinking I got the weapon. Then I saw they were "broken". I sure wish there was a quest to repair broken weapons into their original state.

I know a guy that has this weapon. He let me borrow it for a few days and it's a pretty fun weapon. I'd love to have one myself.

I'm glad to hear it's still in the loot pool, but my goodness...