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If I was an anime, who would I be ...

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
While waiting for the release of Planet Cyrene, let's play with the thought we would dress up as our favourite Anime :mur:

Actually, let's not stop at Japanese Anime/Manga figures - but if you could dress up like your favourite game / cartoon character - who would you be?

If I was blonde, young and ... a guy ... it would definitely be Sephiroth from Final Fantasy:


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
hm .. you can be Cloud, Kris :goodbee:

Actually watched the movie again yesterday :) AWESOME graphics. Love it! Only reason I want to be Sephiroth is because he looks nicer ... and is evil ... jk ;)


Kick Ass Elf



Not a million miles off the current look me thinks... amusingly when I first did my original character I think I had something vaguely FF in my mind at least influencing me. The old Wistrel was very different though

Incidentally the sig pic is sorta meant to be the evil Wistrel from when the badness happens. This is meant to be a sorta evil version of my original avatar


Kick Ass Elf
oops! I just removed it as I thought I was over spamming the pics a bit!

OK this guy came years after my original ava but quite similar maybe?




DigiDime Founder

I would be the Demon Butler Sebastian Michaelis from the anime series : kuroshitsuji

He is just one of my prided anime characters if not the best. His style, his passion and his talents are qualities that I can relate to... Call me a fool, but I tend to follow his mannerisms.


Kick Ass Elf
Speaking of Anime...

not sure what Shade is exactly but I remember seeing these FF style girls in posters with Shade written on them when I was looking at er... dammit what was it called... ah yeh Blue Mars. The other ce2 MMO... the one that was a massive disappointment.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Arghhh .. Blue Mars! Tried that and if it was even possible a bigger disappointment than with SL

Right after joining I had 5 pm's asking me 'How'ya doing' from guys who wanted to kiss me and hug! :HellNo:

Seriously! Geesh! Don't they know I'm not that kind of girl?? I'm cool!! :goodbee:Rather wanted to give them some Kick in the ... (meh, Didn't I upload that icon?!) Then they would feel luving!


Kick Ass Elf
Arghhh .. Blue Mars! Tried that and if it was even possible a bigger disappointment than with SL

Right after joining I had 5 pm's asking me 'How'ya doing' from guys who wanted to kiss me and hug! :HellNo:

Seriously! Geesh! Don't they know I'm not that kind of girl?? I'm cool!! :goodbee:Rather wanted to give them some Kick in the ... (meh, Didn't I upload that icon?!) Then they would feel luving!

Really? There were PEOPLE!!! haha ok I exagerate. There were actually plenty of people when I looked in but I couldn't get anyone to talk to me at all - maybe I'm not as hawt as you Lykke ;).

The big problem for me was the difference between the concept video and the 2nd life clone that they actually delivered (or so it seemed).

As for SL well I have an account but rarely ever managed to last more than an hour in there. Experience wise was horible the way the "game" worked. Sleemed jerky and slow and well yeh I just didn't like it plus couldn't get on with the controls at all. I did see 3 cool things while there though:

1. a japanese place of some kind where there were a lot of REALLY cool looking avatars
2. a space station!
3. possibly the best. A really nice traditional japanese sytle place where people meet and play Go. Really really nice and functional creation.

Actually Lykke, I remember getting hit on an awful lot when I joined entropia! Ah... thems were the days. I'm largely ignored now haha



New Member
If I was anime than I would select superman because I can do everything and lots of fun in this cartoon character.


Japanese Cartoons


A pixel guy
My acquaintance with anime is largely limited to the works of Studio Ghibli, but hardly there is any other character that could represent me with such a precision as Totoro ;)


New Member
"Gutsu" from Berserk for his badassery~~



Or Bunta from Initial D for his mad driving skills~~



Active Member
Just found this thread...love it...been an avid FF player..ahhh evil Sephirot..I genuinly had tears in my eyes in the killing of Aeries sequence.

Here is my anime caracter in Second Life...Akira Hayabusa Hawklord. Story is : he is son of a japanese mother and caucasian vampire...

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Just found this thread...love it...been an avid FF player..ahhh evil Sephirot..I genuinly had tears in my eyes in the killing of Aeries sequence.

Here is my anime caracter in Second Life...Akira Hayabusa Hawklord. Story is : he is son of a japanese mother and caucasian vampire...View attachment 1259

Hmm thought you had a beard ?? :headscratch: Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else?


im awesome.
My acquaintance with anime is largely limited to the works of Studio Ghibli, but hardly there is any other character that could represent me with such a precision as Totoro ;)
TOTORO!:angry: :dance: love also the sprited away movie