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Honest Entropians recruiting


New Member

Honesty and equality are the key to success!

We are looking for:

*Friendly and helpfull
*Lvl 5 to become initiate
*No scamming history
*1 month trial period

It doesnt matter where u come from but 80% of the members in HE is from Sweden.

We have skills from newb level to hardcore ubers.

The society have been around since 2006.

If u looking for a calm and relax society without any rules about how active u should be or what armor u have and so on this is the perfect place for you. We also do some sochunts or other activites from time to time.

If this looking good.

Please send me a Private Message if you are interested. Or make an application in society terminal ingame.

We also have a homepage to visit http://www.honestentropians.com