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Hi All !!!

Greetings everyone! :wave:

Cya ingame and hope soon on the new planet!


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Cowboy ... this is a great place to do some boot scootin' :D ... we don't have TOO much longer to wait before the launch (May 1st), and it will be exciting. In the meantime, enjoy the forum and our awesome members. If you have any questions, just ask, and I'm sure our Community Manager (Lykke) will have, or get an answer for you.

Cheers! :beerchug:

PS ... please give my regards to the NBK gang ... I see Calli signed up at the forum here, and we had a nice chat the other day ... LOVE her!
Thanks all for the warm welcome :D

I'm excited at the idea of a new planet like this.. so many new adventures, new mobs to face and new great places to explore!

I really can't wait to visit that virtual Colosseum too :p



DigiDime Founder
Sup Cowboy,

Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!!

Hope you enjoy your stay and bring the packing power!!!