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Greater Power Crystal Rental and other Aeolus's services


I'm too lazy, but it’s better to do it late than never.
While I was going to arrange a similar topic for several years, many of my offers are outdated. However, some things remained relevant.

I'm buying:
  • I am looking for the following Ice Sculptures for the collection from Annual Holiday Magic event of the Cyrene:
    • 1st Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2018)
      • Santa Lurker Plush - Green Found
      • Santa Lurker Plush - Metal
    • 2nd Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2019)
      • Crystal Pede Sculpture
      • Tide Claw Sculpture
      • Molten Golem Ice Sculpture
      • Dire Weed Sculpture
    • 3rd Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2020)
      • Duster Bandit Ice Sculpture
      • Imperium Grunt Ice Sculpture Found
    If you have anything from this list, and you are ready to sell or exchange for something, please contact me.
  • [Turrelion Essence] 3.0 ped each.
  • [Lazidol's Bone Fragment] 400% [Lazidol's Tongue] 400%. [Lazidol Shell Fragment] 1000%, [Lazidol's Brain Stem] 1000%. It is possible to trade for my [Lazidol Fishing Lure]s, [Zekkonian Wasp Queen Call]s, and other values.
  • Any Wasp Queen Parts 37.5 ped each: [Wasp Queen Empty Stinger], [Wasp Queen Venom], [Wasp Queen Undeveloped Wing], [Wasp Queen Gland], [Wasp Queen Leg], [Wasp Queen Eggs]. It is possible to trade for my [Lazidol Fishing Lure]s, [Zekkonian Wasp Queen Call]s, and other values.
  • I don't buy other Cyrene things temporarily, but perhaps I will resume the purchase later.

Services on the Cyrene:
  • Trade my 3x[Lazidol's Brain Stem] for your 10x[Lazidol's Bone Fragment]/[Lazidol's Tongue]. You can always offer your exchange options.
  • Renting out the [Greater Power Crystal] 5 ped/day. For free, if only to finish Zorra's chain. Collateral is discussed individually.
  • Renting out the QR100 [Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint]. I do not ask for payment - this is at your discretion. Collateral is discussed individually.
  • If you don't have enough [A.R.C. Faction Badge]s to upgrade Imperium Armor or Plates, I can do any of them for you, without problems. Of course, for free.

I'm selling:
  • Any figurines used for upgrade Imperium Armor and Plates: [Cyrene Collectible: Imperium Pilot], [Cyrene Collectible: A.R.C. Soldier], [Cyrene Collectible: Fenris Wolf], [Cyrene Collectible: Molten Golem], [Cyrene Collectible: Rhino Beetle], [Cyrene Collectible: Protocore], [Cyrene Collectible: Drill Bot].
  • Many other components used for upgrade Imperium Armor and Plates.
  • [Greater Power Crystal] is available for purchase as well. Actual price is 4800 ped (tt+4500).
  • QR100 [Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint]. 2500 ped. Needed for a new The Zyn'viathan Epic quest.
P.S. I am ready to offer thousands of crafted items from all the planets of the Entropia Universe. Blueprints and equipment for rent, Free Texturing (L24) and Coloring (L30) Service, Taming Service (L42), as well as much more.
Look at my thread on PCF: Aeolus's virtual shops and services
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The thread is updated, several positions have been added to the buying list and one for the selling.
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  • I am looking for the following Ice Sculptures for the collection from Annual Holiday Magic event of the Cyrene:
    • 1st Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2018)
      • Santa Lurker Plush - Green
      • Santa Lurker Plush - Metal
    • 2nd Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2019)
      • Crystal Pede Sculpture
      • Tide Claw Sculpture
      • Molten Golem Ice Sculpture
      • Dire Weed Sculpture
    • 3rd Annual Hiliday Magic Event (2020)
      • Duster Bandit Ice Sculpture
      • Imperium Grunt Ice Sculpture
    If you have anything from this list, and you are ready to sell or exchange for something, please contact me.