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George chronicles

George Skywalker

Active Member
It is said history is written by the victors and likewise these chronicles are written by Evil George. For the George you may have known is no more. That George disappeared the same day Celeste Island 3 Level 6 was sold.

Just as iron can cut iron likewise one must become evil in order to defeat evil.

Chapter 1.00001 and half (of draft)
A long time ago,
On a planet far far away but still quite close...
To the refrigerator and pizza shop...

George stepped off the new arrivals spaceship!
Pure evil stepped of the spaceship!

This evil was overwhelming that all citizens ran to the hills.
Men, women, children...all ran for the hills.

None turned back for even a second except for hot women, who all looked back exactly half way up the hill and winked, then proceeded to run away again.

George began his horror campaign almost immediately. Hundreds of chirpies died the first day!

Second day millions of daikis.

Time went by and more and more animals died. There was no mercy!

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I love it Ace ... keep it coming, but ... I know underneath that rough exterior, you're a sweetheart. ;)


Active Member
It is said history is written by the victors and likewise these chronicles are written by Evil George. For the George you may have known is no more. That George disappeared the same day Celeste Island 3 Level 6 was sold.

Just as iron can cut iron likewise one must become evil in order to defeat evil.

Chapter 1.00001 and half (of draft)
A long time ago,
On a planet far far away but still quite close...
To the refrigerator and pizza shop...

George stepped off the new arrivals spaceship!
Pure evil stepped of the spaceship!

This evil was overwhelming that all citizens ran to the hills.
Men, women, children...all ran for the hills.

None turned back for even a second except for hot women, who all looked back exactly half way up the hill and winked, then proceeded to run away again.

George began his horror campaign almost immediately. Hundreds of chirpies died the first day!

Second day millions of daikis.

Time went by and more and more animals died. There was no mercy!


George Skywalker

Active Member
Chapter 2

It is a dark day for the robot menace. Thousands have perished at the hands of Evil George. Nevertheless the fight rages on, there is no let up. At least not until message arrives of a party on Cyrene.

A party! First official Cyrene party! Sensing mischief Evil George's eyes light up.

It is not long before George is in space and on his way to lighten up a party. Lighten up with fireworks of the exploding kind :D

Ammo check, Guns loaded check, trigger finger ready!

Evil George arrives at the party. It is not long before the whole arena is littered with dead bodies. Then all is quiet the whole arena seems to be empty for some strange reason, with the exception of mindstar.

George goes to revive heals and runs back to arena. The slaughter part 2 continues. This time the arena is littered with dead planes and bodies. Looking at the beautiful sight George is pleased with his work and awaits expectations of applause and congratulations. To his surprise there are none! How ungrateful can people be. All that hard work and no appreciation. Truly ungrateful people, tut tut. Oh well must try harder next time. Kill more and faster. To this end George heads out to practice on mobs!


Active Member
Yeah, how ungrateful. Invited to a party and you come and kill everyone. And do you remove armor so its on a somewhat level playing field? No! Well at lease you have shown what an ass you can be! Yes its PVP and it should have been expected, but :mad: just ruined the mood.

But :monkey_slap: wasn't going to let it stop me from have fun.