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Finally finished The Miner's Psyche (Drill Bots)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Been slowly working at this for years, Well today its over, I logged the last part of the chain (11.1k kills), which ended
(These don't count anything before log)
  • Cost : 9044.95
  • TT Loot : 8797.91 (97.27%)
  • MU Loot : 9153.46 (101.20%)
  • Globals : 90 (2 HoFs)
  • Kills : 11,185
Regarding the Rewards, there are as follows

  1. Stage 1 - 100 Kills
    • 1 Psyche Token
  2. Stage 2 - 500 Kills
    • 5 Psyche Tokens
  3. Stage 3 - 1000 Kills
    • 9 Psyche Tokens
  4. Stage 4 - 5000 Kills
    • 52 Psyche Tokens
  5. Stage 5 - 9000 Kills
    • 93 Psyche Tokens + Approx. 4.50 Ped Athletics/Courage/Alertness
Grand Total of 160 Psyche Tokens, which I have no use for :hehe1:

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I acquired few more from somewhere as I have 253 of them. I have some lvl 1 and 2 chips I'll shoot off at scout bots or jellies. Ill wait till I hit lvl 45-50 (when it slowed down) before I turn them in


Sandal San Tolk
Sucks that psyche tokens are the only award through the stages until the end.
Hm, I actually think it is pretty good, given that it's such a low-level mob and attribute tokens are actually more precious than skill points. If not interested in the particular ones, then why do the mission, there are so many to choose from. If completion is a side effect of all the other missions on the same mob, or it just is hunted for itself (as the game originally was), then it is an added bonus.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hm, I actually think it is pretty good, given that it's such a low-level mob and attribute tokens are actually more precious than skill points. If not interested in the particular ones, then why do the mission, there are so many to choose from. If completion is a side effect of all the other missions on the same mob, or it just is hunted for itself (as the game originally was), then it is an added bonus.
yeah i agree, tokens at stages 1-3 are on under 500hp mobs is pretty rare, but the main reason i did it is, drill bots have a great MU on loot due to kais (which is probably 20% of loot) has 115-120% MU and then the likes of BTC, Totems, Zorn, Robot Filters (not so much now tho) makes them one of the best lower lvl mobs on cyrene for regular MU
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