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Dedicated mentor looking for disciples


Active Member
Hyellow! :)

My name is Alexandra, I'm a 16 years old girl from Romania (that's GMT+2 timezone) and I enjoy trying to help people figure what they want to do in this amazing new world, as well as provide them with all info they need in succeeding to achieve their goals; I've done it with quite a few people far now, outside the mentoring system, and I'm ready to do it with even more within the system.

I am definitely not a high skilled or rich player, but I did managed to survive and even succeed (at least to a certain degree) without depositing, so I know, probably better than anyone else, the struggles that a free player may face during his adventures and I'm willing to share with you everything I learned during these months.

I know that being so young may not sound very "mentoresque" (yeah, that's a word I made up now :p), but the advantage of being 16 is that I'm billionaire in time so I'm online (and just one PM away for any questions you may have) quite a lot; the disadvantage is that money are limited so, while I'll do my best to help you with any advice, I can't afford to offer any freebies or bonuses like other mentors may do.

Web: daughterofanarchy.blog.com
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