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Cyrene Vendor Item Updates


Well-Known Member
Just a little teaser for Kris and Lilmc, this is how the vendor on caly looks:

All of those weapons have 1000+ left in stock, and these are just the laser rifles. Seems fishy to me.....



Just a little teaser for Kris and Lilmc, this is how the vendor on caly looks:

All of those weapons have 1000+ left in stock, and these are just the laser rifles. Seems fishy to me.....

The supply of those weapons is restricted by the availability of the tokens used to buy them.

On Cyrene the currency used is freely available in large amounts.

That's a major difference.


Sandal San Tolk
The Arkoin vendor is also well stocked (just not there to take a screenshot atm). Not sure if Arkoins can be called restricted but of course it's not the same as using something universally available.

However, if this is the reason, why does MA not let the C-team know, or let them tell the public? Then at least the reason would be clear and something could be done about it.


Well-Known Member
The supply of those weapons is restricted by the availability of the tokens used to buy them.

On Cyrene the currency used is freely available in large amounts.

That's a major difference.

Yes and no, i could have shown the combat token vendor on calypso which is also pretty well stocked, and those tokens are even more available then the cyrene tokens.

I will agree though that the daily tokens on calypso aren't tradeable, but you can still get a decent amount per day.
Maybe if the cyrene team would make the cyrene tokens untradable, they could actually get a use?


Yes and no, i could have shown the combat token vendor on calypso which is also pretty well stocked, and those tokens are even more available then the cyrene tokens.

I will agree though that the daily tokens on calypso aren't tradeable, but you can still get a decent amount per day.
Maybe if the cyrene team would make the cyrene tokens untradable, they could actually get a use?
I don't think this is the problem. Arkoins are tradeable but arkoin trader NPC is well stocked.

What about Oleg's assumption about availability of the currency being the issue. That doesn't seem to be the reason either. There's literally hundreds of thousands of arkoins available on the market.
Comparing how hard it is to obtain Caly combat tokens, Cyrene tokens and arkoins the latter comes out as a definite winner. You can go and farm mobs that give almost half their loot in arkoins. I'm not on Ark atm but if I remember it correctly then it was possible to generate something like 100k arkoin/day for a hardcore grinder.

The reason must be something else... :headscratch:

Well. This might not be such a great mystery as it seems. The hint Kris gave ("part and parcel" with the loots system) seems to point to the planet's active population (or total turnover, etc).
I mean there's an old theory that says anything, including mod faps and imk2, can always drop. All that's needed for this to happen is a significant population increase. It's only a theory ofc but it seems pretty logical if u think about it.

Now, from PP's p.o.v., wouldn't it be nice to be able to supply a nice UL gun to all the ppl on your planet? But every other PP would like this as well. Obviously MA has to set up some system that distributes the items between all PP's fairly. Looks like that's the solution they came up with...
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Well-Known Member
Well. This might not be such a great mystery as it seems. The hint Kris gave ("part and parcel" with the loots system) seems to point to the planet's active population (or total turnover, etc).
I mean there's an old theory that says anything, including mod faps and imk2, can always drop. All that's needed for this to happen is a significant population increase. It's only a theory ofc but it seems pretty logical if u think about it.

Well in that case, isn't odd that we can loot loots of unlimited guns, but can't buy some crappy guns for tokens?
The supply should be enough for the people that play, and it seems supply is lower then demand on cyrene, and higher then demand on calypso and arkadia.

I'm not talking about UL guns in vendor off course, those should never have been added.


The supply should be enough for the people that play, and it seems supply is lower then demand on cyrene, and higher then demand on calypso and arkadia.
With Arkadia the reason is probably low demand. The guns on the arkoin vendor are more like pre-damagers or tagging guns - compared to the crafted/looted guns pretty much useless. As a result the MU on those guns is very low and consequently arkoin MU as well.
Should they put there something that could be actually used for everyday hunting the situation would change instantly.
Are they keeping the demand low on purpose? Your guess is as good as mine...

Well in that case, isn't odd that we can loot loots of unlimited guns, but can't buy some crappy guns for tokens?
Yep, this is strange indeed. Something's clearly off with that balance.
I blame Lazidol!

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
The availability of the tokens is irrelevant. They are not the currency. The currency is shrapnel.
This thread is mainly about the HTS guns from North of Supply Depot which cost tokens, i think it would be better if the guns in the ARC are removed, maybe armor too? The Arc Missions can give tasks like the warehouses on ark where the guns both UL & L (plus armor if removed) can be looted

re: the HTS. imo, I'm not sure the guns are worth it, when tokens have 1000%-1200% MU... your then buying the HTS guns at 1000%+ MU which will dent even the ELM guns


I was under the impression that the main issue was the ARC vendors and that Kris was referring to those. I may be wrong. I don't really know anything about those other ones, but I can think of no reason why there shouldn't be a good supply of things that require Cyrene tokens (unless they're ludicrously unbalanced).

Apologies if I've been talking at cross-purposes.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that the main issue was the ARC vendors and that Kris was referring to those. I may be wrong. I don't really know anything about those other ones, but I can think of no reason why there shouldn't be a good supply of things that require Cyrene tokens (unless they're ludicrously unbalanced).

Apologies if I've been talking at cross-purposes.
The main issue is they don't care about their player base compared to other planet partners or even land owners :(


Well-Known Member
The main issue is they don't care about their player base compared to other planet partners or even land owners :(

I agree, i don't understand why they don't do thing correctly for got more player on the planet or for help the player base to stay on the planet ...

More player = more money, maybe they don't want earn more, maybe this planet is just a trip for a rich guy.


New Member
Hello, my last post and
May 18, 2016, and I recognized only from that moment so many new items are discovered on Entropia Universe and sad found that of Cyrene nothing is ever done to the rewards of ARK sellers badges for weapons ecotron UNL and L ranks 1 2.3 .And I want to know when at last we will be able to have these awards because it is abuse, it's been more than a year is expected ......
Will we finally get those rewards are ultimately we had to after all the time spent unlocked every rank ....


Active Member
This is really stupid the way this thing is stocked - only campers can get them. If they are tradeable (UL) even worse, since it will impact other items. This have a negative impact on the planet due to people will be camping vendor instead of spending ped.

It should be made possible to speak with a NPC and get it through that means but only (1) time, and for balance purposes - not tradeable, that's just my two pecs..


New Member
Super I connect and I see that the ecotron is discovered, but what is this organization of shit, it makes shit to do the quests rank for the rewards in the end we have nothing and more when you implant the same ecotron No announcement. Now it's camping to have the gun in the end the people who have finished these quests for a long time will make it fucked by the campers who have that fuck of the day camping the seller and the others we have more than crying Spent unnecessary made on these 1,2,3 ranks. Unnecessary.Frankly next time if you make quests with rewards, made sure that the quests are well rewarded when making the quests available, it will avoid the impression of being taken for just good To fatten yourself. Because there for the blow it is the case, to stop with it MA the villain who wants not, it has been more than 2 years that we wait for these ecotrons. You are responsible for your organization and novelties about Cyrene it is not MA which works for Cyrene, MA serves just filters for the new items to devalue the items of the other planets.And stop telling us we understand your frustration because you are not affecting that evidence since the ranks are still active no ecotron.


Active Member
I am.on cyrene right now. Vendor accepting cyrene tokens is still empty. I will do the arc ones and missions that gives me skill.