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BIG Industries - GrindHouse - 26 Mobs, 15 LA's, 3 Planets - Arkadia, Calypso & Cyrene


New Member

Win extra BIG-reward credits!
For every global on a BIG or BIG Partner Land Area you are automatically awarded the base reward of 2 reward credits.
If you place in the weekly Top 10, you will be rewarded with 1 reward credit per global together with a volume multiplier.

Volume Multiplier Bonus
If you get less then 50 globals, your multiplier bonus will be one.
If you get 50 globals or more, your multiplier bonus will be two.
If you get 100 Globals or more, your multiplier bonus will be three.
If you get 150 Globals or more, your multiplier bonus will be four.

Reward examples
You have achieved a total of 38 globals and place in the top 10,
your total reward will be: 38 x 2 (base reward ) + 38 x 1 (Top 10 reward x Multiplier) = 114 reward credits.

You have achieved a total of 63 globalsand place in the top 10,
your total reward will be: 63 x 2 (base reward ) + 63 x 2 (Top 10 reward x Multiplier) = 252 reward credits.

You have achieved a total of 129 globals and place in the top 10,
your total reward will be: 129 x 2 (base reward ) + 129 x 3 (Top 10 reward x Multiplier) = 645 reward credits.

You have achieved a total of 171 globals and place in the top 10,
your total reward will be: 171 x 2 (base reward ) + 171 x 4 (Top 10 reward x Multiplier) = 1026 reward credits.

What are BIG reward credits?
Reward credits are gained for every global on a BIG Industries and BIG Partner LandArea.
They are redeemable for ingame or real life items and of course PEDs!
Activate your BIG Industries Rewards-Plugin on EntropiaLife to see all the options available.

Weekly events start on Sunday 00:00 UTC and end on Saturday at 23:59 UTC.
You can register at any time during the event to be elligable for a top10 reward.

You can compete by hunting on these 15 LandArea's located on Arkadia, Calypso and Cyrene:

Reward credits payout:
The base credits are immediately added to your account after every global.
The top 10 reward credits are typically distributed within 72 hours of event end.
You can find your reward credits added to your account in the BIG Industries Rewards-Plugin under the 'Credits Overview' tab.
If you have any concerns in regard to the receipt of your reward credits please contact Mike Freyr Perry

Register on entropialife.com
You can register on the EntropiaLife event page or signup with the BIG Industries Rewards-Plugin.
Any Global/HoF made before plugin activation will be retro-actively added towards your event score, even if you were not registered
when the event started or the event was not showing on EntropiaLife yet.
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Active Member
Can i ask question , since when Cyrene is part of event, and i am sure you realize most of globals from cyrene are not tracked,not enough players run tracker, how whoud this work out


New Member
Can i ask question , since when Cyrene is part of event, and i am sure you realize most of globals from cyrene are not tracked,not enough players run tracker, how whoud this work out


The Cyrene LandArea 'Carnaps Landing' was added to our weekly grinder event on April 1st.
This means all 'Carnaps Landing' globals since then were rewarded with the base reward of 2 credits.

All globals are tracked/logged however they do not show on EntropiaLife unless reported by 2 other clients.
So it is in your own best interest to run the client, especially since it automatically can upload a screenshot of every global to your gallery on EntropiaLife.

If your global is not showing in your list, it will not be rewarded. However you now have proof you did actually get that global and it should be counted towards your total. Open a 'missing global' supportcase on EntropiaLife referring to the event, the global and the proof in your image gallery and it will be checked as valid

A good thing is that the amount of clients running on Cyrene have gone up significantly recently, and we will be adding Validated clients which should achieve 100% completion on most Planets!