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AFK sweat tourists!


Well-Known Member
Be to our place. You don't repair bugs, you don't give rewards and nothing with last PP VU, except a picture...

What we should understand?
They are working on the next Guinness record for EU after the sell of Calypso.
10 years of beta testing. :D

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Hey Guys!

I love the theory's! Sometimes you just have to save the best for last, I can honestly say Cyrene is not going away anytime soon. From the player perspective I understand how the development of Cyrene is slim. However, from the other side the pace is much faster.

Share even the smidgen of info with us then. Show us a new picture of your office with the many new staff members. Reply to ANY of the DIRECT posts towards you in the multiple areas of this forum... Do something to prove your doing something otherwise how are we suppose to believe you? We have all been waiting since the first of this year to see your new office photos and new hires you promised.

Is see no new members, I see no growth... If anything it looks like there are less people in the new photo.

Here is your post from several years ago, I count at least 17 people, there are more people in this photo then chairs in the above one...

Hey Rusty,

So I act now on two fronts: Community Manager (preforming Lykke's duties) and Developer. Ed 3 is still the head honcho and makes any sort of big announcements (but is usually lurking on here). Not only that, but our game team is expected to ramp up an additional 10 to 15 staff members at the start of the new year.


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