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1st Year Anniversary!!!! Cheap warps for everyone!


Happy Birthday_01.jpg

Hard to believe, but it has been one year since I took delivery on the Pirate Ship Revenge.

After renaming it the MacReady and re-fitting it for civilian life she has seen a lot of use and has had the opportunity to help a lot of players old and new alike.

After one year the MacReady and XXIV have collectively used up 68 warp drives (3400 warp jumps) as well as a similar number of sub-warp flights.

Our goal since the beginning was to make new planets and the space experience as available to as many people as possible regardless of their budgets or gaming styles.

I feel that we have been a great success in this.
Success could be measured in a number of ways, the numbers of paid flights, numbers of passengers who have been able to fly for free, the number of people who have had the opportunity to earn peds working for the company, and the fun and skills earned by all through the space experience all are good indicators that our goals have been met.

Celebrate with us this week by flying at a reduced price to any destination at any time you want.
As always slow flights are still free. (if you can afford to, please tip your pilot for their time)

To arrange a flight, just go to our website at EntropiaTransport.com and chat with our pilots on the webchat there.

Good Luck to everyone and may the coming years be as fruitful for us all :)



Thanks for the Likes guys :) feel free to bump this post throught the week to let others know about the promotion :)

Happy Birthday to us
And cheap warps for everyone!


Discounted rates are good through the end of this weekend (will even go a little later to cover Sunday evening for the Americas even though its technically Monday EU time)

Thanks to all the crew and passengers who have helped to make this possible.

Good luck all :)
